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Showing posts from September, 2020

Book Riot's 2020 Read Harder Challenge - September Update: Maangchi's Real Korean Cooking & The Kenyon Review

Happy Wednesday everyone!  I hope everyone's been staying healthy and happy.  Somehow September has flown right by and I've now completed 18 out of 24 books for  Book Riot's 2020 Read Harder Challenge !  The tasks I completed required me to read a   food book about a cuisine you’ve never tried before and  a  an edition of a literary magazine (digital or physical)  and I selected  Maangchi's Real Korean Cooking  by Maangchi  and the  Kenyon Review   (Jan./ Feb. 2020 edition) respectively.   Read on to see my mini reviews and what's next for October:  âť‹  âť‹  âť‹  âť‹ I've never watched any of Maangchi's videos before but I think I'm going to have to now.  These dishes look so good.  I'm not really all that familiar with Korean cuisine so this was a very informative and comprehensive read.  I took notes on dishes I'd like to try to prepare myself in the future. Then, I looked ...

Top Ten Tuesday: Recent Favorite Book Quotes

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by  That Artsy Reader Girl .  This week's topic is Recent Favorite Book Quotes.  The quotes I'm featuring are all from books I've read within the last year or so.  Here we go, in alphabetical order by title: “We have failed, but I hope they will see how hard we tried.” - Aurora Burning ( The Aurora Cycle #2) by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff "I have one question, however. Will that remain your name of choice for the entirety of our time in the Americas, or should I expect to find strangers addressing you as Athelney Jones or Tobias Gregson in the near future?" [For context, Holmes has to come up with an alias on the spot and tells someone his name is Mr. Lestrade in a moment of panic. And Watson won't let him forget it!] - The Counterfeit Detective ( The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes ) by Stuart Douglas   “Do not dismiss what you do not understand.” - European Travel for the...

Music Monday: Simply Three

  Happy Monday everyone and welcome back to Music Monday! Let's share some songs we've been enjoying lately!  If you would like to play and I really hope you do, please see the rules and link up below. Rules: Every Monday share a few songs you've been enjoying lately.  It doesn't have to be a specific genre, new, or one of your favorites - just something you'd like to share with others.  If possible, share a music or lyric video of the song and your thoughts on the song(s), artist(s), and/or music video(s). If you would like to participate in Music Monday, please join the link up by sharing your post's url. Happy Monday and welcome to Music Monday everyone!  This week I'm featuring my five favorite covers from Simply Three .  If you haven't listened to their stuff before, I have a feeling you like their sound if you like the Piano Guys and Lindsey Sterling.  Give a listen to: Wake Me Up , Take Me To Church , Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) , Señor...

Sunday Funday: PopCulture Mini-Thon - Wrap Up & Mini Reviews

Happy Sunday everyone!  Over the course of September 20th-26th, I completed the first  PopCulture Readathon  mini-thon, created and hosted by  Whitney @ bookswhitme  (with some assistance from  Lorryn @ Reading Parental ).  I managed to make it through all four of the books I had on my TBR.  You can see my original TBR here .  Keep reading to see my thoughts on the books I tackled for this challenge: Original Aunt Viv: HBIC Character âť‹  âť‹  âť‹  âť‹ I'm not sure why I put off  Moxie  by Jennifer Mathieu  because its a great YA Contemporary that deals with important issues and handles sexism and intersectional feminism well.  It's definitely a must read for fans of The Female of the Species by Mindy McGinnis and it should certainly be read by all high school students.  I take that back, it should just be read by everyone.  Potentially, they could learn a lot and gain some understanding in this intriguin...

The Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings): The Hod King (The Books of Babel #3) by Josiah Bancroft

On Friday's I take part in three weekly link ups - The Friday 56, hosted by  Freda's Voice , and Book Beginnings, hosted by  Rose City Reader .  For The Friday 56, you choose a book, a book you have just finished, a book you are about to start, your current read, and share a line or a few lines that grab you (but don't spoil anything) from page 56 or 56% of the way through the ebook. Post it and share your post's url on Freda's most recent Friday 56 post. As for Book Beginnings, you share the first sentence or so and your initial thoughts, impressions, or whatever else it inspires, and then link up your post's url with Rose City Reader.  Happy Friday everyone!  This week I'm spotlighting one of my Mythothon readathon books, The Hod King ( The Books of Babel #3) by Josiah Bancroft .  The first two books of this series have been truly outstanding and I know that this will be as well. Beginning:  The sun clacked alon an iron track among the gaslight star...

Top Ten Tuesday: Books On My Fall 2020 TBR

  Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by  That Artsy Reader Girl .  This week's topic is Books On My Fall 2020 TBR and I'm featuring what I plan on reading in October and November.  It's hard to believe it's almost already here.  Here we go, in alphabetical order by month: October  The Archive of the Forgotten ( Hell's Library #2) by A.J. Hackwith  - I just happened to stumble upon The Library of the Unwritten but it was so amazing.  I'm beyond excited to have been approved on NetGalley for an ARC.  It's going to be great! Black Sun ( Beneath Earth and Sky #1) by Rebecca Roanhorse  - I also managed to get approved for an ARC via NetGalley and let's just say my expectations are sky high! This is going to be amazing! Oryx and Crake ( MaddAddam #1) by Margaret Atwood  - I plan on picking this one up as a part of Book Riot's Read Harder Challenge .  It's been recommended to me so many t...

Music Monday: Tycho

Happy Monday everyone and welcome back to Music Monday! Let's share some songs we've been enjoying lately!  If you would like to play and I really hope you do, please see the rules and link up below. Rules: Every Monday share a few songs you've been enjoying lately.  It doesn't have to be a specific genre, new, or one of your favorites - just something you'd like to share with others.  If possible, share a music or lyric video of the song and your thoughts on the song(s), artist(s), and/or music video(s). If you would like to participate in Music Monday, please join the link up by sharing your post's url. Happy Monday and welcome to Music Monday everyone!  This week I'm featuring four favorites from Tycho .  Thanks to Pandora for introducing me to his music a couple of months ago because I like his sound and I've been listening to a lot of his stuff since then. Give a listen to the first song that I heard and my three favorites from Simulcast , his most ...

ScreamAthon - Annoucement & TBR

Happy Saturday everyone! Today I'm sharing my TBR for ScreamAthon , a readathon that will run the entire month of October.  It's hosted by @lifeWHITme  (the creator of the PopCulture Readathon ), @readingparent  (a cohost of the PopCulture Readathon), @JBreatheNBooks , and @LaFlorDeJalisco .  As you might have guessed, it's themed around that classic 1996 movie.  You can read any type of book you like for the readathon, not just horror or thrillers.  As long as your choice fits the prompt, you're good.  The hosts have created a bingo board to help direct our reading - and the goal is to get at least one bingo of 5 books completed.  I'm going to be very ambitious and am going to aim for a full black out bingo.  You can keep up with the action on Twitter with the hashtag #Screamathon .  Keep reading to see my TBR for this readathon:  Wrong Number: Number In The Title My choice: Three Parts Dead ( Craft Sequence #1) by Max Gl...