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ARC Mini Reviews: City of Iron and Dust & The Devourer Below


Happy Friday everyone!  Today, I'm sharing two ARC mini reviews - City of Iron and Dust by J.P. Oakes (released July 6th, 2021) and The Devourer Below: An Arkham Horror Anthology edited by Charlotte Llewelyn-Wells (released July 6th, 2021).  I received these ARCs from NetGalley in exchange for honest reviews.  Read on to see my thoughts:


City of Iron and Dust by J.P. Oakes is a great dark and gritty fantasy debut.  Although the blurb sounded cool, I didn't really have strong expectations for this either way so this was quite a pleasant surprise.  It's a contemporary noir-ish fairytale with goblins and the fae in a modern urban setting with just the perfect dash of humor.  This combination really worked for me as did the political intrigue, fast pace, the action, and multiple and distinct POVs.  Overall, this is well worth your time, especially if you like The Carter Archives by Dan Stout.  This debut deserves a lot of love and I can't wait to read more from J.P. Oakes in the future.

My review is also on Goodreads.


The Devourer Below: An Arkham Horror Anthology edited by Charlotte Lleweln-Wells is a great collection of short historical fantasy horror short stories set in the world of the Arkham Horror Files universe.  I'm not at all familiar with the board game that the books in this series are based on, but after having read Litany of Dreams (Arkham Horror #19) by Ari Marmell I knew I absolutely needed to read more of them.  Luckily, this was a lot of 1920s set dark fantasy fun as well.  All eight stories in this collection are strong reads and have done a great job of tiding me over until I have the chance to pick up more full length novels and further familiarize me with the universe of the series.  I can't wait to read more from this series and maybe even try the board game.

My review is also on Goodreads.

Have you read any of these books?  Are you planning on reading any of them in the future?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I'm excited to start City of Iron and Dust, especially since you compared it to the Carter Archives😁

    1. I can't wait to see what you think of it, Tammy!


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