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Merlin Readathon - Announcement & TBR

Happy Wednesday everyone! Today I'm sharing my TBR for the brand new Merlin Readathon.  It will run from August 1st-15th and is hosted by Kat, Emily, Ro, Tazmyn, and Kay.  You can check out the official Twitter account here and watch the video with more info, rules, and prompts hereMerlin is one of my favorite shows and it's a really cool Arthurian retelling as well, so I'm really excited for this readathon.  In this readathon, the goal is to work your way through levels of wizardry from Apprentice to Mage by reading your way through the ranks.  You will create your own path, so you'll start with one of the prompts on the lowest tier and work your way up through the levels by following the pointing swords (that will give you a couple of options on the prompts as you work your way up.  Now without further ado, let's get to my potential TBR:

1. There's a goblin in the castle!  Protect yourself against their foul stench, read a book with green on the cover.

My choice: The Queen's Secret by Karen Harper - One of my friend's gave this to me and it sounds like a fascinating early WWII set novel that features Elizabeth, the Queen Mother.  I'll also be reading this for my Popsugar Reading Challenge.

2. Merlin has been poisoned, help Arthur on a quest to find a healing flower, read a book with a map.

My choice: Thieves' Quarry (Thieftaker Chronicles #2) by D.B. Jackson - The first book in this series was pretty solid and I'm looking forward to where this pre-American Revolution set historical fantasy will go.

3. You've been suspected of using magic and must escape your execution.  Knock out the guards, read a book that packs an emotional punch.

My choice: Internment by Samira Ahmed - I've had this on my shelf for way too long.  I'll also be reading this for my Popsugar Reading Challenge

4. You have found the sword in the stone!  To claim it in and finish your quest, read a five star prediction.

My choice: Monstrous Regiment (Discworld #31) by Terry Pratchett - I love this series so much and I can't wait to read this installment.  

Are you taking part in this readathon?  Have you watched Merlin or read any of these books?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I hope you enjoy Monsterous Regiment! It's one of my favourite Discworlds. I'm planning to do the Merlin readathon too, but I'm not organised with a TBR yet.

    1. Good luck with the readathon!

      I've been putting Monstrous Regiment off for way too long... :)

  2. This sounds like fun! Good luck with your TBR😁

  3. This looks like fun! I've never seen the show but I know a lot of people like it. I bet this'll be a blast. Nice picks too, i like the look of Thieves'.

    1. The show is so much fun and it's definitely one of the best Arthurian retellings out there. :)

  4. Monstrous Regiment is supposedly one of the top 10 of Pratchett's works, I've been eyeing it for a while too. Let's see if we can read it around the same time! And Thieves' Quarry looks awesome, because I just about lurve historial fantasy.

    1. I've read quite a bit of his stuff so that's a tall order - and I can't wait to see how it stacks up for me. :)

  5. I look forward to your thoughts on Internment!


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