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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I'm Looking Forward To In 2015

It's time for Top Ten Tuesday, which is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  This time around the theme is Books I'm Looking Forward To In 2015.  There are lots of exciting titles coming up - here are some of the most exciting! 

What do you think of my list?  Do we share any titles?


  1. Oh, I completely forgot about the new Rick Riordan book! I'm eager to see how he portrays the Norse mythology. At least we know there will be plenty of humor. ^-^

    Here's my TTT, if you're interested:


    1. I'm super excited to see what he does with Norse mythology! :) Thanks for sharing yours with me!

  2. Sharing your excitement for Magnus Chase! I've seen the Red Queen book on many of the lists last week and this week so I feel like I need to check this book out. I've also heard a lot about Half-Bad. How did you like it?

    Here's my Top Ten:

    1. Thanks for sharing! I loved Half Bad. It's fantastic and it shouldn't be missed. It deserves lots of love! :)

  3. I can't wait for Winter either! I can't believe it's going to be over! The Darkest Part of the Forest made my list too! Yes for Magnus Chase! Even if there isn't a percabeth cameo, I need it!

  4. AH! THERE ARE SO MANY! I want to read every single one of these!
    Great picks!
    my list


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