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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Decided to DNF Too Quickly

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the first Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Books I Decided to DNF Too Quickly.  I don't DNF often, but sometimes I do - whether I thought it was misleading in comparison to the description, couldn't get into the story or the characters, or for another reason altogether.  Though perhaps I should have given these books more of a chance.  Here we go, in no particular order:

Find You in the Dark by Nathan Ripley - This thriller is described as being for fans of Caroline Kepnes and Jeff Lindsay, but I ended up DNF'ing this story at 25% because unfortunately I couldn't get interested in the characters.

That Inevitable Victorian Thing by E.K Johnston - I gave this one on audiobok up at 15% - I thought the concept sounded interesting, but I couldn't get into it.

 The Lightning Stenography Device by M.F. Sullivan - The concept behind this is sounds fantastic, but I ended up DNF'ing it at only 10% because it was far too slow, boring, and stuffy to bring myself to keep dragging myself through with it.

See What I Have Done by Sarah Schmidt - I ended up DNF'ing this new take on the Lizzie Borden mystery at only 15%.  It was so boring and it was very difficult to keep track of the multiple perspectives.

Empress of a Thousand Skies by Rhoda Belleza - This was one of my most anticipated releases of 2017, but I ended up giving it up after about 12% of the way through the audiobook.  I could barely keep my attention on the story - I kept zoning out and had a difficult time keeping myself interested.

Flawed by Cecelia Ahern - I wanted to like this one, but I ended up DNF'ing the story at 39%.  I just didn't quite get it - the dystopian society just didn't make much sense at all to me.  Plus, the main character's voice was quite boring to boot.

Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes - I went into this story fully expecting to love it, but unfortunately I ended up DNF'ing the story at 15% in (on two separate occasions). The characters come across as a tad too generic, unrelatable, and uninteresting; plus, the world-building was pretty lacking.

Lord Foul's Bane by Stephen R. Donaldson - The concept sounded cool, but the character and the writing style were too irritating to make it beyond 10%.

Reawakened by Colleen Houck - I love Egyptian mythology, but the leading character totally rubbed me the wrong way and made way too many dumb decisions to bring myself to keep listening to the audiobook for more than 30 minutes.

Firstlife by Gena Showalter - I liked the concept much more than I did the actual execution to the point where I only made it through 12%.  Even after that huge infodump in the beginning I still felt really disconnected from everyone and the story, like I was missing something.

Have you read any of the books on my list this week?  If so, what did you think of them?  Do you think I should have given them more of a chance?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Sticking out a book for 39% is beyond an honest effort. I think I give about 20%, and if I am not feeling a book, I DNF.

    1. Usually I manage 20% if I can myself, but it doesn't always work for me one way or the other...

  2. Great list! I've heard quite a few people say they didn't enjoy See What I Have Done which is making me a bit nervous about reading it. I hope you don't have to DNF anything else any time soon!

  3. I DNFed Falling Kingdoms too.
    Flawed is one of my all time favourite books, but by 39% you know if you'll like it or not and not every book is for everyone.
    Cora |

    1. At least it wasn't just me for Falling Kingdoms... You're right - not every book is for everyone - and that's perfectly ok.

      Thanks for visiting my blog, Cora!

  4. I haven't read any of these, but I've heard some negative things about See What I Have Done though, so you don't seem to be the only one! I don't DNF a ton, but I do sometimes...I don't want to struggle through a whole book when I have so much else to read!


    1. I try not to either, but sometimes there are just too many books, too little time. See What I Have Done sounded so cool too...

  5. I haven't read any of these, but I am kind of sad about Find You in the Dark, it sounds really good! Oh well, life's too short😁

    1. It sounded like it had a lot of potential based on what authors it was compared to - ah well!

  6. I didn't finish Empress of a Thousand Skies either. You're not alone there.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you.

  7. Bummer about Find You In The Dark, I can see that getting my attention with the cover- it just looks dark (obviously- ha ha). Falling Kingdoms is another series I was interested in trying, but just haven't. Maybe that's good. lol

    1. Falling Kingdoms was totally trying way too hard at being GoT lite and it just didn't quite work for it.

  8. I really disliked Falling Kingdoms and also DNF'd it about halfway through. It was so dry and not at all what I had heard it was. I've been wanting to read That Inevitable Victorian, but haven't heard much about it--this being the main thing makes me want to push it down a bit more on my TBR, haha.

    1. Let's just say I'm glad I borrowed That Inevitable Victorian Thing from the library...

  9. I have seen Empress of a Thousand Skies on a few lists, though I can say none of these are on my TBR! I have a short list.

    1. I've noticed the same thing.

      Thanks for sharing! :)

  10. I DNF'd Firstlife. And Empress of a Thousand Suns has been on my shelf since it's publication. One of these days.


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