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Top Ten Tuesday: Series I Don’t Plan On Finishing

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the first Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Series I’ve Given Up On/Don’t Plan to Finish - I'll be focusing on Series I Don't Plan On Finishing.  Here we go:

Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard - I've read the first three books in the series, but I have no plans of reading War Storm.  I thought it was only going to be three books - imagine my disappointment when there was zero resolution by the end of King's Cage

The Giver series by Lois Lowry - I've only read book in school and you know what, I've never been interested in taking it any further.

Gallagher Girls series by Allie Carter - I liked book one well enough, but not so much as to continue on with the series.

Vampire Academy series by Kristin Cast - I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed book one, but now I have to admit that I've lost interest.

Beautiful Creatures series by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl - I don't know about you but I was kind of underwhelmed by book one in this series and that ending came across as a total cop out.

The Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa - I loved book one, but I haven't for some reason I'm not all that interested in continuing the series.

Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout - Book one of this series was alright and I especially liked that our main character's a book blogger, but I not convinced that I really need to pick up the sequel.

Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon - The first book in this series was okay, but I actually think I prefer to stick with the tv adaptation in this case.  And since I've only read book one, everything after the first season of the show is a surprise.

All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness - I really wanted to like book one since it has a really fantastic hook, but it didn't live up to the hype for me.  I don't think I'll be coming back for round two.

Ender's Saga by Orson Scott Card - The first book in the series is a sci-fi classic, but I have no interest in reading any more of Card's work.

Have you read continued on with any of these series?  Do you think I should keep going, or should I just give it up?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I've lost interest in Vampire Academy too. I wasn't blown away with Book 1 though. Great list! My TTT

  2. I made it through 2 books in the Outlander series, but lost interest after that. And I do think Ender's Game is a classic worth reading, but the author is...not someone I want to support with my bookish dollars.

  3. I think I read all of the Ender books, but the first one was definitely the best.

  4. The only series I'm reading here is the Red Queen series and although I have to admit that it's not exactly a good series. I still want to know how it ends though. The Ender's Game is a series I'm considering picking up. My bestfriends keeps on raving about it.

    1. I don't blame you, especially since you've stuck with it. Ender's Game is brilliant - I can definitely say that. Thanks for coming over, czai.

  5. I’m waiting to finish Outlander until the last book is written and I can properly binge them. I’ve read up to six and don’t remember much. Though I’ve started In my early 20s and fear by the time I can read all of them I may have outgrown the series.

  6. Great list! I know what you mean, I think there are so many early YA series that essentially all had the same plot so once you've read one you've read them all and we end up with no interest to read beyond book one in a lot of other series. It's perfectly natural to lose interest, I think, when nothing feels original anymore! Thank goodness there's so much more diversity (of plot and characters) in YA now!

    1. Thanks, Jess. That's what if feels like sometimes.

  7. I don't plan on finishing the Red Queen series either, I struggled so much with the second book that I can't imagine putting myself through a third.
    My TTT:

  8. I read the Vampire Academy series and thought it was okay. I enjoyed the spin off series, Bloodlines more. Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. I've heard a lot of good things about the spinoff.

      Thanks for sharing!

  9. I'm definitely in agreement with you on several of these, which is why I'd rather read stamdalones than series if I have the chance. I actually made it through the first three Ender books and then called it quits😁

  10. I read Outlander and then stopped, too. Looking at Dragonfly in Amber, which is a 40-hour audiobook, was just a daunting... I have been watching the STARZ series, so I think I'm done with the books.

    Visting from TTT

    1. Wow - and I thought book one was long on audio...

  11. I gave up on Red Queen after book 2. Red Queen was so good, but Glass Sword was a total chore. The Gallagher Girls is cute. I actually am going to read more of those book. I finished VA, Dangerous Creatures, and the Iron Fey series. I am fan of all three. I even read the spinoffs for all these series. I didn't even make it through the first Outlander book. The dialect made it such an arduous task to read, but the show is amazing.

    1. Yes, Outlander the tv show is pretty fantastic. I'm about half way through season three right now. I'm glad I listened to the book on audio - but sometimes I had to rewind to "translate"! :D

  12. Why yes, I am guilty of never finishing these series as well haha. The Outlander books are just so long.
    Cora |

  13. No way I'm finishing Red Queen either (hated book one), or the Gallagher Girls (book one was eh). You HAVE to finish Vampire Academy and Iron Fey though! These series are so addicting for me. I read until the 3rd Beautiful Creatures book, but can't remember anything so I can't finish the series. xD

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always

    1. Welp, I might very well change my mind in the future. :D

  14. I'm with you on the Vampire Academy and the Outlander series. Even though I liked Dragonfly in Amber, I was disappointed in Voyager. I still read Drums of Autumn but probably I won't go on because the story lines feel forced and they are not tight enough for me anymore. Happy reading!

    Ronnie @ Paradise Found

  15. Your list could be my list. I rarely read more than one book in a series when I was a librarian and now that I'm retired, I know I won't go on.

    1. There are too many new shiny thing to grab your attention, aren't there?! :)


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