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Top Ten Tuesday: Settings I’d Like to See More Of (Or At All)

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Settings I’d Like to See More Of (Or At All).  Here we go, in alphabetical order by place:

Cahokia - This Native American city across the Mississippi River from present day St. Louis was at its peak from 1050 CE - 1200 CE with a population between 10,000 - 20,000.  It covered about 6 square miles and 120 mounds.  It was a larger city than London was at the time.  I've never read a work of fiction about this place, but I'd absolutely love to some day.

L'Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland - This UNESCO World Heritage Site is the only officially authenticated Norse site in North America.  I'd love to read a YA novel about Leif Erikson and his crews making land, exploring, and settling here about a thousand years ago.  There's even a living history recreated Viking settlement there now which is featuring in the aerial photo.

Japan - Particularly Edo Japan.  I've always been interested in the topic and I'd love to read more on the place and era, especially in adult fantasy.

Mackinac Island, Michigan - I love visiting Mackinac Island and I'd love to read more fiction set there, especially fantasy.  It's practically magical enough on it's own - or at least their fudge is anyway.

New Amsterdam, New Netherland - I don't know about you, but I'd love to see 1664 New Amsterdam in YA fiction in the time leading right up to when the colony was captured by the English and became New York.

Nunavut - I don't think I've ever read any fiction set in this Canadian territory, but given it's history and location I really think I'd like to - of any genre.

Ohio - I live in Ohio and it feels like I don't see enough of my home state in fiction of any genre, but I'm just tickled when I have the opportunity.  More please!

Old Hollywood - To be honest I'm always ready for more books, fiction or nonfiction, about 1920s-1960s Hollywood.

Rural settings in fantasy - I love urban fantasy.  Is it too much to ask for more fantasy set in rural areas?  The only novels I've read recently that I'd say qualify as rural fantasy are The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater.

Working Farms in YA - In recent years, I can only remember having read one - Dairy Queen by Catherine Gilbert Murdock.  It's a fantastic contemporary if you haven't had the opportunity to read it.  Having grown up on a farm I'd love to see more.  Please?

What settings would you like to see more of?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I love Mackinac Island, and would definitely like to read more books set there. I've seen a few but not too many. Do you have any favorites set there? Also Cahokia and that Norse site would be fascinating locations for a good fantasy! Nunavut too.

    Rural fantasy- I hadn't thought of that but I agree, that's a great idea! It seems like rural fantasy would be a natural since so much magic revolves around nature.

    1. I've read Bid Time Return and the movie adaptation Somewhere in Time sets it there.


  2. Old Hollywood sounds fun, and I feel like I'd like to see more beach-y or island reads. Mackinac Island seems as good a place as any to visit - though I've never been there, it looks pretty. :)

    1. It's such a cool place to visit - very picturesque. :)

  3. One of the things that I loved about Flame in the Mist was the Japanese setting. I just love reading unique settings like that.

  4. Cahokia would be a wonderful setting for sure.

    My TTT.

  5. These are all great ideas, and some of these places I've never heard of, so I'm automatically interested in them😁

  6. Great list! I need novels set in Cahokia, L'Anse aux Meadows and New Amsterdam immediately.

  7. I read so many books set in Japan. It's a place I'm fascinated with.

  8. I like the idea of more rural fantasy! I also really like the idea of a story set in L'Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland. That sounds like it would be fascinating. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  9. i love mackinac island. i have read some great stories located there and i would like to see more too.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  10. I loved Dairy Queen, too, though I wonder how many YA students can relate.

  11. I think one of the reason I loved the Dairy Queen books so much was because I don't see enough "farm life" books in YA. We do still have farmers in the US, and I find it all fascinating, as I grew up in a big city (Brooklyn)

    1. I'm from a rural farming area and I don't see nearly enough of it in fiction. :)

  12. I am so glad you call it Hollywoodland too! I forgot to add that one to my list, but yes on the Newfoundland and New Amsterdam settings for sure!!

  13. I'm from Minnesota, but I had an online friend from Ohio many years ago who had a horse, which inspired me to write a series of short stories there; yadda yadda yadda, I have quite an obsession with a state I've never set foot in and agree with loving representation for it. Same for farms - Dairy Queen is great.


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