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Top Ten Tuesday: Series I'm Not Planning To Finish

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is a freebie, so that gives me the opportunity this week to do anything I like this week.  This week I'm sharing Series I'm Not Planning To Finish.  Here we go, in order alphabetical order by title of the next book in the series that I'm not going to read:

A Betrayal So Cruel (The Reckoning #2) by Candace Wondrak - The first book in the urban fantasy series seemed like it had so much potential, but it never managed to live up to it.

The Book of the Unwinding (Witches of New Orleans #2) by J.D. Horn - I much preferred the concept of the first book in this series to the final product to continue on to the sequel.

Rebel Spring (Falling Kingdoms #2) by Morgan Rhodes - I've tried the first book in this series twice and couldn't make it beyond the halfway mark.  I don't think this series is quite for me.

Eclipse the Skies (Ignite the Stars #2) by Maura Milan - The first book in this series was a decent debut that had a lot going for it, but it didn't hook me enough to want to continue on to the sequel which is due out this September.

The Empress (The Diabolic #2) by S.J. Kincaid - The first book in the series as good, but it never lived up to all of the hype since it didn't feel original enough to me to merit continuing on to book two.

Evermore (Everless #2) by Sara Holland - The premise of the series opener was so cool, but the execution was a bit lacking so I'm not expecting to go on to book two.

A Fatal Grace (Chief Inspector Armand Gamache #2) by Louise Penny - I'd head a lot of great things about this series, but I was too bored with book one to try out the sequel.

The Glass Magician (The Paper Magician #2) by Charlie N. Holmberg - The first half of book one was pretty cool, but I wasn't all that satisfied with the second half or at least not enough to continue to book two.

Trinity of Bones (The Necromancer's Song #2) by Caitlin Seal - The first novel sounded cool, but I couldn't bring myself to care about the cast enough to really be all that interested in following up on book two which is due to be released this October.

War Storm (Red Queen #4) by Victoria Aveyard - I can't believe I made it through the first books in this series to be honest, but I'm going to save myself from fourth book.

Have you read any books in these series?  What books are you not planning on finishing?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I wondered about that Morgan Rhodes series, I almost started those a few years ago. I let myself not finish series now if I'm not feeling it- I used to make myself keep going but why do that haha?

  2. Fun topic, Lauren! Though I can't think of any just now, I feel like there are some series I need to "let go" too. If I haven't read them by now, I'm pretty sure that's telling me something. I will admit I picked up Sara's first book not TOO long ago, and am curious, but I may end up with the same feeling as you. Time will tell! :)

  3. I didn't know Ignite the Stars even had a sequel!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  4. How often do you decide not to finish a series?

    My TTT.

    1. Not all that often actually.

      Thanks for coming over!

  5. I remember liking the first book of the Fallen Kingdoms Series but I didn't quite enjoy the second book and lost interest in it too so I dropped the series. It also has numerous POV's from what I remember and that could either be a hit or miss.

    - Chai @ Like Chai Tea // My TTT

  6. I read the first Red Queen book and thought it was amazing. Then the second one came along and it was such a chore to read. Add that to how toxic the author was on Twitter, and I decided to not finish the series.

    1. I haven't followed her on twitter, but I agree about the chore bit.

  7. There are so many series I have given up on as well. Sometimes it's just not worth the time when there are so many other books out there.

  8. I finally tried Red Queen last year, and although I liked it well enough, I wasn't blown away. I've been warring with myself a bit as to whether or not I should continue.

  9. Red Queen and Fallen Kingdoms are two series I don't plan to finish either!

  10. Ahh I'm bummed about Evermore and Eclipse the Skies! But then again, I didn't read Ignite the Stars yet (still on my shelf), and I did kind of feel the same about Everless. Great list :)

    -Leelynn @ Sometimes Leelynn Reads

    1. Maybe you'll enjoy Ignite the Stars more than I did. Good luck.

      Thanks for sharing, Leelynn.

  11. I've read Everless (but not the second book yet) and the Red Queen series. Sorry you didn't like these. I probably won't continue with Daughter of a Pirate King or Illuminae, but I'm not completely sure.

  12. I'm not surprised at all by Red Queen. SO many people either loved or hated it, so it never surprises me when someone's not here for the rest of the series haha. It's always so interesting to see what series others just couldn't connect with.


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