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Draggons (The Prophet #2) by Don Newton (ARC) - Review

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I received an ecopy from Reedsy Discovery in exchange for an honest review.

Revenge is always sweeter face to face… 

The false god, Zaril, died in a blazing bolt of light, victim to the wrath of an Adeptus Supreme. Now, it’s Kat’s turn for some payback. All she can see through the red tinge of hate that fills her eyes is the face of her lover’s killer. The fact that he’s also her father barely weighs on her mind. He chose his side, and now he’ll pay for his decision.
Draggons (The Prophet #2) by Don Newton is a great follow up to the first installment in The Prophet series called False Gods. I'm glad I had the opportunity to try this sequel via Reedsy Discovery because this totally kicks everything up a notch. Don Newton has certainly done his characters and the worlds they inhabit justice from where it left off as the adventure continues here.

Don Newton's style is quite unique. I love how he expertly blends together elements of both science fiction and fantasy. Just like the first installment of this series, the high tech devices, space ships, magic, and now dragons come together well. Everything comes together in such a way that makes you just need to know what's coming around that next corner. The novel itself is a fairly short and fast paced read that absolutely begs you to keep reading. It doesn't waste any of its 201 page length and the author's style makes it incredibly easy to want to devour all of it in one sitting. Plus, the twists and turns are all enticing and keep you guessing. It was so much fun to jump back into the world of this series. To keep it short, he has created a riveting world with a well-rounded cast that keeps you hooked from beginning to end.

All that said, I only have a couple of minor issues with this sequel. Like I said, the novel is quite fast paced and for the most part that works well in its favor. However, there are a few moments where some scenes that I wish we could have spent a little longer with go by a bit too quickly. There were a few spots where I had to go back to reread a paragraph or so to make sure I didn't miss something important.

Overall, Draggons (The Prophet #2) by Don Newton is well-worth picking up if you enjoyed False Gods. I highly recommend the series to those who appreciate fun genre mashups, SFF, and casts that feel like they could walk right off the page. I can't wait to see what's coming next in book three, Judgement, and I'm so glad I'll have the opportunity to jump into it right away.

My review is also available on Reedsy Discovery and Goodreads.


  1. I love when authors do genre mash ups, and this series sounds like a good one😁


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