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Top Ten Tuesday: Book Related Problems I Have

It's Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and this time the theme hits close to home with book related problems I have.  You can go the serious or fun route, or a combination.  I think mine counts as a little bit of both.  Here we go:

The cost of a brand new hardback.

I could have saved so much more money if I didn't spend it all on books.

I should not be trusted in a bookstore with a credit card.

I buy new books before I've finished reading what I currently have.

I'm running out of room to put them all.

My tbr shelves and stacks are really starting to look a little messy.

My Kindle just feeds my addiction.

So does Amazon.

And thrift shops.  

Some day I just be able to walk by a beautiful new book - but not today!

By the way, I got a spectacular deal today at my local Goodwill!  I purchased Longbourn by Jo Baker (ARC), Guardians of the Dead by Karen Healey (ARC), The Devil's Company by David Liss, Godless by Pete Hautman, Monument 14 by Emmy Laybourne, and The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi all for a grand total of $3.28! If I've calculated correctly I saved nearly $100 (if I figured in the projected prices of the advances!!


Like I said, sometimes I just can't help myself!  Does anyone else share these problems, or is it just me?


  1. I should not be trusted in a bookstore with a credit card.

    Yeaaah, there's a reason I don't take my credit card.

    1. I really try not to myself! :) Thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. How do you find good books at Goodwill?!?!

    My Top 10 :]

    1. Random luck of the draw - they had a lot more than usual this time. :) Thanks for sharing!

  3. My husband always tells me we could retire if I sold my book collection! As if...

    Great list!! Congrats on your Goodwill finds:-D

  4. Great list! I've recently run out of book room too and now I have to stack all the books on top of each other. Plus, my TBR pile is massive as well. Thanks for sharing! :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  5. Its all about feeding the addiction, but at least it's not a bad addiction to have. Thanks for stopping by my blog, love your list!

    - Ashley @Book Nerd Paradise

  6. And that is why I love thrift shops and used book stores. Seriously, $3.28?! Well done.

  7. Hardbacks can be so expensive and I wish I was more patient and just read the book from the library, then if I still want it I could buy it in paperback. Why can't I do this?!

    1. I do love my library, but sometimes I just can't wait. :)

  8. Yes to all of these! I do not buy new books unless I HAVE to have them. Reading is a very expensive hobby, and I go to Goodwill for bargain hunting like you clearly do.

    1. I try to only buy new books if they're on sale or if I have a gift card. Happy book hunting. :)

  9. Mine are too, technically. One of my book cases is actually pretty deep so I've been able to double up. And I tend to stack things on top and stuff... :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. These are so relatable! Where did you find the books from Goodwill?


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