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Top Ten Tuesday: Fictional Places In TV Shows I'd Like To Visit

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Places Mentioned In Books That I’d Like to Visit (submitted by Georgia @justreadthemm).  I feel like I recently did a similar topic so I'm going to focus on Fictional Places In TV Shows I'd Like To Visit instead.  Here we go, in alphabetical order by tv show:

The Addams Family Mansion at 0001 Cemetery Lane - The Addams Family

The Sunnydale High School Library in Sunnydale, CA - Buffy the Vampire Slayer

The Library - Doctor Who

Downton Abbey in Yorkshire, England - Downton Abbey

The Harvard Laboratory in Cambridge, MA - Fringe

The Grantchester Vicarage in Grantchester, Cambridgeshire, England - Grantchester

Camelot, Albion - Merlin

Mr. Gold Pawn Broker and Antiques Dealer in Storybrooke, ME - Once Upon A Time 

Hawkins, IN - Stranger Things

The Men of Letters Bunker near Lebanon, KS - Supernatural

What fictional places would you love to visit?  As always, thanks very much for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Love this spin on the topic, Lauren! Downton Abbey, Grantchester, and Camelot would all be AMAZING adventures. Now, how to make them all happen... :)

    1. Thanks!

      If only, maybe the set one day at the least... :)

  2. Sunnydale! Yes! I think we were meant to be best friends LOL

  3. The Addams Family! Such a good choice. :-) My TTT

  4. Ooh Hawkins IN from Stranger things- love that pic! And they have an arcade haha! Camelot and Grantchester look great too.

  5. Camelot would be amazing. I love castles.

  6. I could spend hours perusing the books at the Sunnydale High School Library. Great choice there.

    My Top Ten Tuesday post.

  7. I love your choices, they are so different from other posts I've read today. Especially the Sunnydale library!!😁

    1. Thanks, Tammy! It was a lot of fun to put together this list. :)

  8. I'd definitely be up for visiting Hawkins and the Addams Family Mansion. Both would be so cool!

  9. Replies
    1. That's a risk I'll have to take - I'll just have to remember to count the shadows! :D

  10. Camelot!! I can't believe I didn't think of that. Cool list. Here's mine if you'd like to check it out:

  11. Great twist on this week's topic!
    My TTT:

  12. Aw, Buffy! Gosh I miss that show. I think I would most like to visit Firefly if I could hop into a TV show for a day.
    Dani @ The Restricted Section

    1. How did I forget Firefly? I need to do a rewatch. :)

  13. What a fun take on this week's topic! I've never seen the show, but the Grantchester Vicarage looks lovely. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. Thanks! It's a really addicting mystery series. I'm really excited for season 4 to begin.

  14. Out of your list, I think I'd like to visit Camelot the most. I got to visit a couple of castles when I lived in Europe and they're amazing. A couple libraries would be nice too.

    1. I'd just love to explore the castle for the day - and the libraries. :)

      Thanks for coming over, Brooke.

  15. Enjoyed the twist on the topic for this week.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  16. Oo, Mr. Gold's Pawn Shop sounds so cool and eerie! I'd like to go to 221 B from BBC Sherlock. I think it'd be fun to wander around Mr. Norrell's library from Dr. Strange and Mr. Norrell and follow Childermas around. It'd also be fun to go to the BAU and hang out with Reid from Criminal Minds.

    1. How did I forget Mr. Norrell's library?! That would be awesome - as long as I had a guide that is. :)

  17. Yes to all of these. I went and visited the Storybrooke set, and was sad to learn that Mr. Gold's shop was a separate set and the door to it is a false front.

  18. I'm totally with you on the Men of Letters bunker and the Sunnydale library. (Buffy and Supernatural are two of my favorite shows!)

  19. I just about cried the moment I saw the photo of the Sunnydale High School library. That would be my number one choice of fictional places to visit!!

  20. OMG Downton Abbey! YES!! I would LOVE to visit it!!


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