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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Enjoyed That Are Outside of My Comfort Zone

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Books I Enjoyed That Are Outside of My Comfort Zone.  Here we go, in no particular order:

Ivy Aberdeen's Letter to the World by Ashley Herring Blake

Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds

The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo

Sister Mischief by Laura Goode

The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver

The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse by Louise Erdrich

Ross Poldark (The Poldark Saga #1) by Winston Graham

The Lost City of Z by David Grann

Black Klansman by Ron Stallworth

Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel

What are some of your favorite books outside of your comfort zone?  Have you read any of these books?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I think I need to read WOLF HALL. Everyone who has read it remarks about how good it is. Genres and topics outside my comfort zone

    1. It takes a bit to get used to the style, but it's definitely worth it. Thanks for sharing, Anne.

  2. Haven't read any of these, but someday I still think I want to attempt reading Poldark! (Still have LOTS of catch up on the Masterpiece show, too.) We'll see if I actually accomplish this. A girl can hope.

    1. I can't wait to see the final season on PBS! Happy reading/ watching, Rissi.

  3. I feel silly but I didn't know Poldark was a book series. I've heard of the show, of course. Oops. :)

    1. The first book came out in the '40s I think. It's definitely worth picking up if you like the show. :)

  4. I have heard so many great things about Long Way Done.

    My TTT

  5. I haven’t read any of these, I was thinking of reading The Poet X since I started reading poetry .
    My TTT

  6. I read and LOVED the first three. I guess I don't read a lot of books in verse, but I think, because they were contemporaries, I still consider Poet and Long Way Down in my "zone".

  7. Great list! Wolf Hall and The Poisonwood Bible are both on my TBR. I'd really like to try Elizabeth Acevedo's work, too.

  8. Wolf Hall has such a great cover.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  9. The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse sounds like such an interesting read!

    My TTT.

    1. If you haven't read Erdich before, I highly recommend it. :)

  10. I'm really curious about The Lost City of Z. Great list, a lot of these look like they'd be outside my comfort zone too😁

    1. Both it and the movie are great. Thanks for coming over. :)

  11. The Poet looks really interesting. I know Poldark is a series or something but I didn't know it came from a book!
    My TTT

    1. The show does a great job of bringing Poldark to life - if you like the show, you'll definitely have to give it a try.

  12. the lost city looks good to me. i love the tropics and whatever happens, well, it can't always be good. lol
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. It's an absolutely fascinating true story, Sherry. :)

  13. GREAT list! I loved Poet X (and her second book)) as well as Poisonwood Bible, but dnf Wolf Hall. Great job!
    Lisa @

    1. Thanks! I'll have to read her second book for sure now! :)

  14. Great List! I would love to read The Poet X and Poldark some time. Here is my post-

  15. Great list, Poldark sounds like a really interesting book.
    My TTT: Marie @ Pages to Explore

  16. The Poet X is one I've been hesitant to read, but everyone seems to really enjoy it, so I look forward to giving it a shot. :) I definitely want to give The Poisonwood Bible a try, too. I found that recently at a local sale. :3

    1. I'd love to know what you think of the both of them, Sammie.

  17. The Poisonwood Bible is the only one of BK's older books I haven't read. Everyone loves it. I'm glad you did, too. I should read it.

  18. The Poisonwood Bible was such a wonderful book.

  19. There are several of these I hadn't heard of before. I've heard of The Poisonwood Bible and The Poet X, but I haven't read either.

  20. The Lost City of Z is such a cool title + cover. I ended up seeing the movie, which I liked, but I haven't gotten around to reading it yet. I didn't realize the book was nonfiction; it seems like a very different take.

    1. They only cover half of the story in the movie - the author tries to recreate part of the expedition. I hope you'll enjoy it. :)


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