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Top Ten Tuesday: Fictional Bookstores & Libraries I'd Love To Visit

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Book Events/Festivals I’d Love to Go to Someday (Real or Fictional. Submitted by Nandini @ Unputdownable Books), but I decided to change it up a bit this week and feature Fictional Bookstores & Libraries I'd Love To Visit.  Here we go, in alphabetical order by book title:

A. Z. Fell and Co. from Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett - Sure, Aziraphale would probably try to run me off if I ever managed to get there while the store was open.  I could forget buying anything, but I'd love to browse his collection.

The Great Library from Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine - I mean, it's *the* Great Library after all even if it is corrupt!

Monsieur Labisse’s bookshop from The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznik - His shop is just gorgeous.  Plus, Christopher Lee portrays him in the movie adaptation.

The Library from The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman - Maybe I'd just like to be a spy for the Library.

Mr. Norrell's Library at Hurtfew Abbey from Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke - Just imagine being led through that maze to get in - better not get lost!

The Unwritten Wing of Hell's Library from The Library of the Unwritten by A.J. Hackwith - Wouldn't it be cool to see the books that could be or could have been?

Copper River Library from Libriomancer by Jim C. Hines - Copper River Library is the public library where Isaac works in the UP of Michigan.  It sounds like it has a pretty robust collection, especially when it comes to the sci-fi and fantasy department.

Ajax Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore from Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan - I'd love to explore the shop, or work there even to be honest.

Carl Conrad Coreander's bookstore from The Neverending Story by Micheal Ende - Imagine stumbling upon that book!

Mooney’s from You by Caroline Kepnes - It looks like a great store, so I'll just have to be sure to avoid Joe Goldberg for safety reasons.

What fictional libraries or bookstores would you like to visit?  Have you read any of these books?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I haven't read any of these! All the libraries I can think of are in fantasy novels and contain monsters so I'm not sure I'd like to go to them...

    1. Most of mine are, but I'd love to see more in contemporary fiction.

  2. I'd love to go to Mooney's and maybe I'm weird, but I'd be going there specifically to meet Joe :D

    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday post.

  3. cool meme. i know a couple of book libraries i would love to visit too

    sherry @ fundinmental

  4. What a great idea for a list! I see several books on my TBR I need to get to, especially The Library of the Unwritten😁

    1. I bet you'll love The Library of the Unwritten, Tammy!

  5. The Great Library is definitely terrifying but it would still be fun to visit.
    My TTT:

  6. Super take on the topic! Well done!

    Lisa @

  7. The Great Library sounds amazing!

    My TTT .

  8. Oooh, The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman seems interesting!
    Here's my TTT list this week.

    1. It was so good. I need to catch up on the series. :)

  9. I haven't read any of these, but there are some great bookstores and libraries in books! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  10. Aww such cool picks Lauren! I'd love to visit Mr Norrell's library too! :)

    Marina_Books of Magic

  11. The library in The Invisible Library sounds pretty awesome. I'd love to wander there. And Mr. Penumbra's- yes I want to work there lol.

  12. I haven't read any of these, but a few have been recommended to me over the years. Great list!

    My TTT

  13. great twist on the theme. I love your choices. I am adding books to my TBR right now.

  14. Great list! The bookshop from The Neverending Story would be such a fun place to spend a rainy afternoon.

  15. oh, I am adding this gorgeous list to the imaginative TTTs I've seen this week! Lists like yours are introducing me to new titles and reminding me of old favourites!!

    1. It's been a lot of fun putting it together this week.

  16. I love books about libraries, but I've only read one of titles on your list. I'm also drawing a blank on fictional libraries I'd love to visit except the one in the Beauty and the Beast cartoon and the one at Hogwarts, of course!

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

    1. It's always fun to read a book about fictional or bookstores. Those are classics. :)

  17. Oooh, great list! There are a lot of fictional libraries out there, and so many of them would be fun to visit!

  18. Loved this list! There is little I love more than reading about libraries and books!

  19. If I remember, the library in The Neverending Story was huge too! Love your take on this week's topic.

  20. I've not read any of these but yes to visiting all of the fictional libraries. :)

  21. Love your twist on the topic!! I would want to visit Belle's library in Beauty & the Beast, Hogwart's library, and the library in The Archived.

    1. Thanks, Michelle. Beauty & the Beast and the Hogwart's Library would be outstanding to visit. I still need to read The Archived soon.

  22. These all sound so cool! I can't really think of any fictional libraries I would want to go to other than the library in Beast’s castle and Hogwarts’ library. I could easily live in those. 😊

  23. Love this twist on the prompt! Absolutely avoiding Joe too though haha

  24. Absolutely ADORE your take on this weeks topic. So creative and perfect. And I am honestly nodding my head about almost all of these.

  25. Love your twist on this, and oh my gosh SO MUCH YES in this post. I want to visit all of these. I'll be honest, though, I want to visit Aziraphale's bookstore just to have tea with him and Crowley. xD The books are just an added bonus.

    I dunno that I'd want to visit The Great Library, though, given what I know about it. Wait. Do I get to hang out with Wolfe and Santi? Because I could totally be convinced if that's the case!

    1. Yes, that would be so cool to have tea with Aziraphale and Crowley! We can both hang out with Wolfe and Santi. :)

  26. Such a fun topic! I will go to any of these places. (Honestly these days I'm excited just to run into Target for five minutes to get paper towels.)

  27. This is a great post! I'd love to visit the ones in Good Omens and Johnathan Strange. I remember there being a great sneaky one in Rivers of London too.


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