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Top Ten Tuesday: Hyped Books I Don't Plan On Reading

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Favorite Places To Read, but I've decided to do something totally different with Hyped Books I Don't Plan On Reading.  Here we go, in order of publication starting with the newest:

Realm Breaker (Realm Breaker #1) by Victoria Aveyard - I wasn't a fan of the Red Queen series especially as it got extended out from a trilogy to four books. The first was fine, but after that it just wasn't working for me.  I don't think I can do it again with the start of an all new series.

A Pho Love Story by Loan Le - This looks really cute and the cultural aspects sound interesting, but overall this just doesn't sound like it would be for me.  You've probably noticed, but I'm not really a romance sort of person.

The Silvered Serpents (The Gilded Wolves #2) by Roshani Chokshi - The cover looks so cool, but I ended up DNF'ing the first book in the series so I'm going to have to pass.

Ruthless Gods (Something Dark and Holy #1) by Emily A. Duncan - It's the same situation with this as with the previous entry on my list.

Rebel (Legend #4) by Marie Lu - I loved Lu's The Young Elites and Warcross series, but this series just never quite managed to hook me in the same way.  I don't feel the need to go back for more.

Field Notes on Love by Jennifer E. Smith - I do like trains, but like I said earlier romance isn't my go to.  

Muse of Nightmares (Strange the Dreamer #2) by Laini Taylor - I loved Taylor's Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy, but the first book in this series never really pulled me in like the other did.  I don't feel the need to continue on with it.

The Fates Divide (Carve the Mark #2) by Veronica Roth - The first book in this series was very underwhelming given all the hype (and controversy) surrounding it, and I don't care what happens next.

One Dark Throne (Three Dark Crowns #2) by Kendare Blake - The first book had its moments, but I was on the edge of DNF'ing it for the entirety of the first half.  The last quarter was very good, but not enough to justify coming back for more.

The Black Witch (The Black Witch Chronicles #1) by Laurie Forest - I remember this was everywhere four years ago, and the controversy surrounding it.  Either way, I wasn't interested in it to find out for myself.

Have you read any of these?  What hyped books are you not interested in picking up?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Lovely change to the topic and one I will remember - the same things are coming up in every post anyway this week (bed, park, library...) so it is lovely to see a different list. A year ago, I would have been with you on dismissing romance as a genre, but I have dipped my toe in a little bit recently and have found things to enjoy.
    These are the places you would normally find me reading!

    1. There are a few romances I've really enjoyed, but overall the genre just isn't quite my thing.

  2. Good for you for knowing your limits!

  3. Great pick of topic! I have quite a few of these on my TBR and some I've read but they were just okay. I wasn't a big fan of the Red Queen series either (only read the first two books actually and DNF'd the third lol) but this cover was too gorgeous and the synopsis too interesting for me to pass up! ...Hopefully that's not something I regret 😂

  4. A great list! I'm not keen on reading any of these books either. I have trouble with hyped books, because I feel like I have to read them. Yet when I do, I don't like them (One Last Stop). Of course, there are always exceptions (Legendborn).

    When you get the chance, I hope you stop by my post:

    1. Thanks! Sometimes I really hit a good one, but other times not so much.

  5. Nice change of topic! I didn't take part this week as I couldn't think of anything remotely interesting for the topic this week and I didn't have the brain power to think of something else.

    1. Thanks. I couldn't think of anything good for the regular topic either...

  6. I feel the same way about Realm Breaker, I gave up after two books in the Red Queen series, so have no interest in reading more of her stuff. I also felt the same way about Muse of Nightmares, I didn't enjoy Strange The Dreamer, so didn't continue on. I will however be finishing out The Gilded Wolves trilogy, I loved the first book and though I did find the second slightly disappointing, it was still a decent read and I love the characters and want to see how their stories end.
    My TTT:

  7. I agree with you on Ruthless Gods. I didn't love the first book and that was enough for me😁

  8. I'm the same way, sometimes a really hyped series just doesn't work for me. I did read the Kendare Blake series although I still have the last one to go, and the motivation for reading it just hasn't been there lately...

  9. Great topic change! I don't plan on reading any of the books on your list either. 😁

    Here's my TTT list.

  10. I liked Strange the Dreamer a lot. Muse of Nightmares not so much. Good plan. Skip it.

  11. Strange the Dreamer is one that I've never been interested in trying. I think you're the first person I've heard say anything other than glowing praise for it!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT earlier!

  12. I would have said, up until the time of the pandemic, that I did not care for romance novels, but for a year and a half I've been enjoying a lot of comfort reads. I never would have believed it!

    1. I've found a few that I've enjoyed, but they aren't usually my go to.

  13. There was a controversy surrounding The Black Witch? :O :O I need to go Google this.

  14. Oh gosh.. there's some on here that I loved. haha. I will say that I ALMOST DNF'd Gilded Wolves but I finished it. It wasn't the greatest but it picked up enough that I was interested in Silvered Serpents. I actually loved Silvered Serpents and can't wait for the last book! I am so sad about Ruthless Gods because I purchased it but will never read it. I gave the first book 2 stars when I should have DNF'd that one! So, I totally get that one!


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