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Mythothon: The Odyssey - Announcement & TBR

Happy Sunday everyone! Today, I'm sharing my TBR for my second round of Mythothon which is a mythology themed readathon that will run for the entire month of September.  It is hosted by Louise @ Foxes and Fairy Tales and this round (officially the fifth) is based on The Odyssey.  In this readathon, the story is that you're one of Odysseus' crew and you help him overcome obstacles each stop on his way home.  

There are fourteen prompts, and one group book (which is not required).  If you like, you can double up on prompts.  To be clear, the books you select to read to not need to be mythology related to count, they only need to fit the prompt, and they can be in any format.  You can follow the official readathon Twitter account here and you can follow along with participants progress via the #Mythothon hashtag as well.  Keep reading to see my TBR for the Mythothon readathon:

Group Book: 

A Thousand Ships by Natalie Haynes - I wasn't familiar with this book, but it sounds pretty great.


1. Troy: The Greeks have conquered Troy and now they are going back home. Read a book set in a country not your own.

My choice: Dark Moon of Avalon (Twilight of Avalon #2) by Anna Elliott - I loved the first book in this series and I can't wait to see what's next.

2. Cicones: Odysseus and his men land on the island of the Cicones to raid it, taking all the food, water, and gold. Not his proudest moment.  Read a book about a villain.

My choice: Sea Witch (Sea Witch #1) by Sarah Henning - Ursula's from The Little Mermaid's origin story?  Yes, please!

3. Cyclops:Odysseus and his men dock on the island of the cyclops Polyphemus, the son of Poseidon. Polyphemus eats some of Odysseus’ men but Odysseus tricks the cyclops into blinding himself so they can escape. He tells Polyphemus his name is Nobody, so when Poseidon asks who is to blame, the cyclops tells him, “Nobody”.  Read a book you know nothing (or very little) about.

My choice: Holding Smoke by Elle Cosimano - I picked up a used copy of this ages ago, and I know next to nothing about it but the summary sounds like it will be a cool YA fantasy mystery.

4. Island of Aeolia: The Wind God, Aeolus, gave Odysseus a bag of west winds, not to be opened until they returned to Ithaca. Impatient, Odysseus’ men opened it before they reached Ithaca and threw themselves massively off-course, making the journey even longer.  Read a book that is not the first in a series.

My choice: Eona (Eon #2) by Alison Goodman - I just recently read the first book in the series and I can't wait to see what's next.

5. Laestrygonians: The Laestrygonians were cannibals. Odysseus and his men flee the island, back towards their ships but the giants throw boulders at the ships. Only Odysseus’ ship gets away.  Read a book with food in the title or on the cover.

My choice: The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul (Dirk Gently #2) by Douglas Adams - I've missed reading Douglas Adams. 

6. Circe: They sailed to Aeaea, an island inhabited by the witch, Circe. Circe turns Odysseus’ men into pigs and keeps them there for a year.  Read a book that has a protagonist with a skill.

My choice: The House of Silk (Horowitz's Holmes #1) by Anthony Horowitz - I've never read any of this author's take on the great detective, so it's about time I start.

7. Teiresias and the Land of the Dead: Odysseus follows Circe’s directions to the Underworld in search of the prophet Tiresias. Tiresias tells him how to get home.  Read a book you think you’ll learn something from.

My choice: Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania by Erik Larson - I've really liked this author's style in the past and I'm looking forward to this.

8. Circe: Odysseus returns to the island of Circe to retrieve his men and bury their dead.  Return to a book and reread it.

My choice: Good Omen's: The BBC 4 Radio Dramatisation by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett - I love this book and the tv adaptation.  I can't wait to hear the dramatization of it.  It's going to be awesome!

9. Sirens: The Sirens are creatures that lure men towards them with their singing, causing ships to break on the rocks. Odysseus puts beeswax into the ears of his men to keep them from hearing the Sirens’ dangerous song.  Read any book that calls to you.

My choice: House of Earth and Blood (Crescent City #1) by Sarah J. Maas - I've had this on my shelf since it was released and it's more than time I finally get to it.

10. Charybdis and Scylla: The Scylla is a six headed creature that would take six men from each ship that passed by. Charybdis was a whirlpool that might destroy the whole ship. Odysseus had to choose between the two, which one to pass closer to. He loses six more men.  Pick two books. Flip a coin (or some other type of chance) to pick between them. You can Google ‘flip a coin’ to do this online.

My choice: Vision in Silver (The Others #3) by Anne Bishop - I'm so glad this one won the coin toss!

11. Thrinakia: The crew are hungry and slaughter the cattle of Helios, the sun god. When Helios finds out, he has Zeus destroy their ship.  Read a book with an animal on the cover.

My choice: Master Assassins (The Fire Sacrament #1) by Robert V.S. Redick - I just happened to pick this up at Goodwill awhile back.  I hadn't heard of it before, but it sounds like it has a lot of potential.

12. Calypso: Odysseus washes up on Ogygia where the goddess Calypso lives. He stays there for seven years. Athena eventually steps in and asks Zeus to let Odysseus go.  Read a book that has been recommended by a friend.

My choice: The Rules of Magic (Practical Magic #0.2) by Alice Hoffman - It's been ages since I've read Hoffman and I'm finally going to pick up this rec.

13. Phaecia: Odysseus drifts to the island of the Phaeacians and is found by the daughter of Alcinous and Arete, Nausicaa. Odysseus convinces Alcinous to help him get home.  Read a book with royalty.

.My choice: A Vow So Bold and Deadly (Cursebreakers #3) by Brigid Kemmerer - I can't wait to see how things end in this finale.  I'm also going to be reading this for the Popsugar Reading Challenge.

14. Ithaca: After 10 years at war, and 10 years of traveling, Odysseus is finally home at Ithaca! But, before he can officially return to his family, he must kick out the suitors squatting in his house and trying to marry his wife. Disguised as a beggar, Odysseus kills all the suitors.  Read a story you got for free (e.g.: library book, borrowed, for short stories or Gutenberg for classics etc.).

My choice: Mister Impossible (Dreamer Trilogy #2) by Maggie Stiefvater - I got this for my birthday and I can't wait to start in on it.  It'll be great to see more of Ronan and Adam.

Are you taking part of this readathon?  Have you read any of these books?  Which one should I read first?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Oh this looks fun! I'll have to look at those prompts... :)

  2. The Rules of Magic was so good! Have fun, this seems like a great bunch of books😁


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