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Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Wishes 2023

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday which is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Bookish Wishes - this week we're granting bookish wishes for our fellow book lovers!  The following are ten books are books I'd love to own and my birthday is coming right up in just over a month as well.  All of titles I've shared below are linked to Goodreads, but my Amazon Wishlist can be found here.  I would be tickled pink if anyone decided to grant one of my wishes.  Thank you very much in advance!

Blitz (The Checquy Files #3) by Daniel O'Malley

The Death of Dulgath (The Riyria Chronicles #3) by Michael J. Sullivan

The Haunting of Ashburn House by Darcy Coates

Last Argument of Kings (The First Law #3) by Joe Abercrombie

Magic Burns (Kate Daniels #2) by Ilona Andrews

The Only One Left by Riley Sager

The Slow Regard of Silent Things (The Kingkiller Chronicle #2.5) by Patrick Rothfuss

Untethered Sky by Fonda Lee

Working Stiff (Dan Shamble, Zombie P.I. #5) by Kevin J Anderson

Zero Days by Ruth Ware

Thank you for celebrating my bookish wishes with me!  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I hope you get some of these for you birthday!

  2. The Only One Left by Riley Sager - i'm already on the waiting list, at the local library, for this one.

    Happy (Early) Birthday!

  3. Great list. Here is my post-

  4. Hope you'll get a wish granted!

    My TTT:

  5. I hope you get some wishes granted!
    My TTT:

  6. I enjoyed ZERO DAYS, although it's far from my favorite of Ware's books. I also love Sager and am looking forward to his newest.

    Happy TTT!

  7. I'm dying to read The Only One Left too, great list!

  8. These all sound really exciting! I especially like the look of The Only One Left!

  9. The Slow Regard to Silent Things is so good. I love Auri <3

    1. Thanks very much for your gift, Jaime. I can't wait to read it!!

  10. Fingers crossed that you get some of these, and that you love them all when you read them. I really enjoyed Zero Days.


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