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Top Ten Tuesday: Movies & TV Shows That Would Make Amazing Books


Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday which is is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Movies & TV Shows That Would Make Amazing Books.  With some of my picks I just want to see more adventures with the characters, or in some cases I want to know what happens after a show got cancelled.  Without further ado, here we go in alphabetical order by title:

Along with the Gods: The Two Worlds (2017) & Along with the Gods: The Last 49 Days (2018) - I love these movies and I really hope the third and fourth movies in the series are still happening.  I would love to see these characters again in the future.  I would also absolutely devour a novel series (I know this is based on a webtoon) featuring the guardians Gang-lim, Haewonmaek, and Lee Deok-choon's reincarnation cases pre-Kim Ja-hong.

Big Trouble in Little China (1986) - This movie is so much fun and I honestly would like to see Jack Burton, Wang-chi, and everyone else again, especially after that ending.

Early Edition (1996-2000) - This used to be one of my favorite shows and I'd love to do a rewatch of it some day.  I think a book series could explore some of of Gary's further adventures, or maybe show us more of the cat.

Forever (2014-2015) - I was so upset when this show was cancelled because it was so good.  I wouldn't say no to a continuation in book format though. 

Ghosts (UK - 2019-2023, US  - 2021-) - I love both iterations of these tv shows so much and I wouldn't mind seeing the characters in tie-in books featuring some of their off-screen adventures.

Hotel del Luna (2019) - This show is one of my favorites, but I wouldn't mind revisiting the world or seeing more adventures from the characters.

How to Steal a Million (1966) - Audrey Hepburn and Peter O'Toole are just awesome in this movie, but I still think this story would be supremely entertaining in book format too.

Merlin (2008-2012) - This show is one of my all time favorites and I would love to see further adventures of the whole gang.

Miss Scarlet and the Duke (2020-) - This historical mystery series has been one of my favorite shows featured on PBS Masterpiece and I would just love to spend more time with Eliza, William, Fitzroy, Moses, Ivy, Nash, and Clarence.

Prodigal Son (2019-2021) - I really wish this one hadn't been cancelled.  The characters totally made this show and I would love to see further investigations by Malcolm and the team, or even a continuation from where the series ended.

Have you watched any of these?  What movies or tv shows would you think make amazing books?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Great topic. Here is my post-

  2. Early Edition, but maybe include the cat's POV? You know that cat had something to do with everything!
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  3. These do seem like they would make great reads.

  4. I've only seen a few episodes of Ghosts, but I think any book based on it would be a lot of fun.

  5. I should probably watch Ghosts. It's on a lot of lists this week. I want to know what the hype is about.

  6. I've always wanted to watch Ghosts, and I can see why you added it to this list😁

  7. I like both iterations of Ghost too. Merlin was a show I use to watch when I was a teenager.

    My TTT:

  8. I think there is a comic book version of Big Trouble in Little China... but yeah it would make a great book!

  9. Early Edition was SUCH a fun show! I didn't watch it when it was one, but did see it later through a DVD set, and it's one of those shows that makes you happy. :)


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