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Top Ten Tuesday: Most Unique Books I've Read

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!  This week's topic is Most Unique Books I've Read.  The titles I have selected are some of the most unique I've read that immediately jumped to mind.  Actually quite a few came to mind, but these ten have really stuck with me.  If you haven't tried these, I highly recommend them!  Here we go, in order by title:

1Q84 by Haruki Murakami

A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

The Girl With Ghost Eyes by M. H. Boroson

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson

Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

The Princess Bride by William Goldman

Room by Emma Donoghue

Saga, Volume 1 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

What are some of the most unique books that you've read?  Have you tried any of the ones I've picked?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog, and for perhaps even commenting below.  Until next time!


  1. Room and The Time Traveler's Wife are two of my favorites! Great picks!

  2. I've heard really good things about the 'Darker Shade' books, but never read them. And from everything I see of Amie Kaufman's book, it sounds really unique. Right down to the format its written in.

    1. They are all wonderful!

      Thanks for visiting, Rissi. :)

  3. Oh my gosh Illuminae- yup. And I just finished Gemina- it was awesome! The Princess bride- great pick! And everyone tells me to try Saga.

  4. What a great list! :-) I loved Room, The Time Traveler's Wife and the Knife Of Never Letting Go! I have Illuminae on my list this week too. :-)

  5. YES to ADSOM! I'm still not fully recovered for A Conjuring of Light. What a finale!!

    1. I'm still working my way through ACOL - I want to savor it. :)

  6. I've read almost all of these. I love books that are surprising.

  7. I've read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and The Time Traveler's Wife and they were so unique! I have ADSOM, Illuminae, and Saga on my TBR.

    My Top Ten

    1. Definitely were! I hope you enjoy the others, Lori.

  8. Oh, The Princess Bride is a good one. That is a style that can't really be replicated again.

  9. The Princess Bride and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo are great picks. Illuminae and The Time Traveler's Wife are on my TBR. Great list! My unique TTT.

    1. Thanks! I hope you get the chance to try them soon. :)

  10. I can't wait to read A Darker Shade of Magic and Illuminae! Plus the Knife of Never Letting Go, which has been sitting on my shelves for years. Its synopsis has always intrigued me and I really have no idea why I haven't picked it up yet. I definitely need to step up my game! I've also been seeing the Princess Bride everywhere and for such a long time. My interest foe the book is very high so hopefully, I'll be able to get my hands on it soon! Awesome list!

    Elena @ Book Lady's Reviews

    1. Happy reading on all of these, Elena! :)

      Have you ever watched The Princess Bride movie? It's so good - both are amazing.

    2. I've been meaning to watch the movie since ages ago! I really don't know whether I should read the book first though and just pick up the book whenever I can.

    3. For the longest time, I didn't realize it was a book actually so I started out with the movie.

  11. I haven't read any of the books mentioned in your post. I have Room in my 'TBR' pile, but have been putting it off because I saw the movie.

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:

    1. I liked the movie adaptation, but reading Jack's pov is much more interesting to work out.

      Thanks for sharing!

  12. Great list! This is yet another list I've seen Illuminae on, I'll have to check it out. =) I still haven't read A Darker Shade of Magic and I think at this point I'm the only person in the world who hasn't, I'll have to get to it at some point...

    1. Thanks, Jess! You'll definitely have to give both a shot! :)

  13. I was so very close to adding The Knife of Never Letting Go to my list. It's such a unique series. I need to read Saga soon. I feel like I'm in such a slump, but I just finished Ms. Marvel, Vol. 1 and I found it so much easier to get through a graphic novel. Great list, Lauren!

    1. I'm dying until volume 7 of can make it's way into my hands! Glad you liked Kamala!

  14. I really need to get Saga, I have only heard good things about it.
    My TTT: Marie @ Pages to Explore

  15. Gah, I LOOOOVE The Knife of Never Letting Go! That series is a favorite of mine! And Illuminae is awesome of course! I NEED to read Saga! And to finish the ADSOM series! I have only read book 1, oops! I read The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, but it wasn't my cup of tea. Great list!!

    1. Yes!! You really need to try Saga! :)

      Thanks for coming over, Shannon.

  16. A Darker Shade of Magic is one of my favourite books!
    My TTT:

  17. I definitely agree about Room. I feel like the author captured the mind of a 7 year old.

  18. I REALLY REALLY Need to start reading the Darker Shade Of Magic Series but AGREED that Illuminae is one of the MOST UNIQUE BOOKS OUT THERE. I'm so excited for Obsidio *runs away to pre-order*

    Aditi @

  19. Some of the books from your list have been on my reading list forever! I should probably go ahead and read them. - Katie

  20. Yes to a Darker Shade of Magic and Princess Bride! Brilliant choices right there. I have Illuminae and I am hoping to reading sometime soon.

  21. The Princess Bride is the only one I've read, though I've started A Darker Shade of Magic and need to get back to it. Saga is also on my "want to try" list.

    1. I'd definitely like to know what you think of Saga, Lark. :)

  22. A Darker Shade of Magic is indeed super unique! And I love The Girl with the Dragon tattoo as well. Hope to read Illuminae soon!

  23. ADSOM is also on my list and I totally forgot about The Knife of Never Letting Go - although I did put More Than This on it because I think pretty much every Ness book is one of a kind. I didn't add Illuminae to my list because I didn't really enjoy the story, but the form really is unique and pretty impressive.

    1. I agree - you could pretty much put any Ness book on the list. :)

  24. I forgot about 1Q84, definitely very different and also about Room, also very different. Great list!! The Time Traveler's Wife is also quite different...oh wow, haha, I could have beefed up my list :D

    1. It was difficult to narrow down my list to just 10 actually. :)

  25. I keep meaning to pick up Saga and I was just at the Comic Store this weekend. Argh

  26. A different Schwab book made the list but I need to read that series as well. I also want to checkout some of the others they have been on my list for some time!

  27. Great list, Lauren! Everything I have heard about Haruki Murakami suggests all his books would fit in the unique category. Illuminae has made a lot of these lists. I think I should check that one out. :-)

    1. Thanks! I've heard the same about Murakami. Happy reading!


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