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Top Ten Tuesday: Things That Will Make Me Instantly Want To Read A Book

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!  This week's topic is Things That Will Make Me Instantly Want To Read A Book.  Here are things that I find hard to resist:

Authors or characters with the same first name as me - This doesn't happen that often, so I feel a little thrill of excitement when someone has the same first name as I do!

Fairy tale retellings - I like to see new remixes on known (or more obscure) tales.

Magic - I've got to pass the time unti I get my Hogwarts (or should I say Ilvermorny) acceptance letter!

Noir - I'm with this genre (books and movies, for that matter) "straight down the line", baby.  10 points to Hufflepuff if you know what I'm quoting!

Pirates - Who can resist?

Sassy, snarky, sarcastic characters - The more the better.

Time Travel - One of my favorite elements of sci-fi!  (Does anyone else hope Timeless gets renewed for a second season?)

Unreliable narrators - Don't you just love questioning everything you think you know?

V.E. Schwab and Maggie Stiefvater - I just need more of these two authors in my life.

Villainous or morally gray leading characters - Pretty please!

What makes you want to read a book?  Can you resist any of the things I would love to see more of in books (or anything for that matter)?  Thanks again for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting!


  1. Great post! I can totally relate to the name thing! I've done it too. Especially when I was younger as I didn't know of any other Lauren's until I was about 16 (I live in a small town so my name felt sort of unique).

    Lauren @ My Expanding Bookshelf

    1. I live in a rural area and in my class of 100ish there were two others with my name - although the others spelled there's Loren. And, I work with a Lauren now, too. :) In books, though, I don't come across the name often.

      Thanks for sharing, Lauren!

  2. Another great list! I love so many of these things, but alas, I would be hard pressed to find a character with the name of Kozbial. =)
    Schwab and Stiefvater can do no wrong. <3
    Yes to magic, pirates, retellings, time travel, and snarky characters. Those are definitely stand out things for me too.
    Sam @ WLABB

    1. I know that feeling - I highly doubt I will ever find a character with my last name... Stoolfire's pretty unique, to say the least!

      Thanks for coming over, Sam!

  3. I like a lot of what you listed. Time travel is where we differ, it can be done well but I am very unforgiving if I don't believe what is happening. But I love following morally gray characters through their travels too!

  4. I have a few of the same ones on my list! Pirates, retellings, and magic! I really love sassy, witty characters. They are always my favorite. Great list!

  5. Pirates definitely! And Replica- yay! :) I also like time travel, that always gets my attention.

    Noir is great, I love the atmosphere. Double Indemnity???

    1. I love it when the atmosphere is palpable - and you got it! :)

  6. I can only agree with pretty mpcuh everything on your list! I also LOVE retellings, magic, pirates, snarky and sassy characters, time travel and morally grey characters! And I can definitely not say not to Maggie Stiefvater or V.E. Schwab either :)

  7. I'm sad because characters who typically have the same name as me are usually the mean girls or "slutty" characters. BOO NAME CASTING.

    1. Ah, that's too bad. As for my name, I don't even see it enough in books to know if there even is a stereotype...

  8. I'd never thought of the name thing specifically but maybe that is why I am so attracted to Anne of Green Gables. Ha!
    Wonderful list.

  9. Great list!
    My TTT:

  10. Retellings! I love retellings, fairy tale or otherwise. I am with you there. :D One of the things that really attracts me is a hate-to-love romance. My favorite! :D

    Have a wonderful week, Lauren. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. I will agree that hate to love romance can be very entertaining. :) Thanks for coming over, Alyssa!

  11. Pirates, for sure! I just finished BLACKHEARTS by Nicole Castroman and immediately bought the sequel. I also love the Bloody Jack series by L.A. Meyer -- it's one of my all-time faves.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

    1. I will need to start in on this series! :)

      Thanks for sharing, Susan!

  12. Fairy tale retellings, magic and villainous characters are always a win for me! And it must be pretty cool to read a book by someone who shares your name. With my name though (Soudha ^^) that’s probably never gonna happen XD.

    My latest post: Giveaway: An ACOTAR Candle (International)

    1. Yay! I think I would keel over if someone had the same last name as me in a book!

      Thanks for sharing, Soudha!

  13. Yes to all of these! I love books with unreliable narrators (they're so interesting to read about), and fairy tale retellings are always awesome too. :) Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous post! <3

    ~ Zoe @ Stories on Stage

  14. Love the topics/themes you chose. Bonus points for Giles :)

  15. I am right there with you on most of these things. Especially the fairy tale retellings, or pretty much any retellings for stories I've enjoyed for that matter. - Katie

  16. I've never once read book with a character who shared my name. That would be fun!
    Have you read Juliet Marillier? She writes my favorite retellings.
    YES to snarky/sassy characters!
    I still need to watch Timeless.
    Schwab and Stiefvater are two of my favorite authors, so I completely agree! I can't wait for Our Dark Duet later this year.

    1. I haven't read any of Marillier yet, but I've eyed her books because they seem great.

      Let me know what you think of Timeless - it was one of the best new shows of this season.

      I can't wait to read Our Savage Song. :)

  17. I like quite a few of the items on your list! I didn't think of unreliable narrators for my TTT, but it definitely is a thing that makes me interested in a book.

  18. Oooh. I love a good unreliable narrator! That definitely should have been on my list. Nothing like being betrayed by the narrator because they lied to you. Haha. Definitely spices things up.

  19. Fairy tales and time travel! Two favorites that I don't read enough of.

    Oh, and I love the idea of books about pirates. Sadly, I don't seem to spot too many of them.

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland, Lauren. :)

  20. I find myself picking up books whose character shares a name with my daughter, so I get why you like to read books by author's with your same first name. :-) I have found that I really like fairytale re-tellings too. And definitely anything with magic in it. Great list, Lauren!

  21. Great post! I also love Pirates and Time Travel... who doesn't! ;)
    Megan @

  22. Yay, let me know what you think! I would start with Daughter of the Forest. (You can read the first three as a separate trilogy from the last three.)

    I will! Hopefully it will be on Netflix soon.

    Woohoo, you can binge both books!! :)

  23. I had fairy tale retelling on my list too. And while I do enjoy most of the other things on your list, none of them are must reads for me. (Of course not many books are authored by Arwen's, and I've already read, multiple times, the books my name came from. ;-) )

    My TTT:

  24. Yes to Timeless!!! And to being drawn to time travel stories. Of course that's the genre of my own book, so that's a given.

    Also my list would include historical fiction. Books with strong female protagonists. Books with quirky characters like Macon Leary (Anne Tyler's The Accidental Tourist). Books about dogs (Marley & Me). Generational stories. Diaries and journals.

    1. Yay! :)

      Books in Diary and journal format can be very good.

      Thanks for coming over!

  25. Such a great list here! Totally with you on magic and fairy tale retellings! Thanks for stopping by my TTT last week too :)


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