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Top Ten Tuesday: Graphic Novels I Need To Read

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is a freebie so I have free reign.  I haven't done a topic on graphic novels lately and I'm sharing Graphic Novels I Need To Read.  Here we go, in no particular order:

The Wicked + The Divine, Vol. 1: The Faust Act by Kieron Gillen

Captain Marvel, Volume 1: Higher, Further, Faster, More by Kelly Sue DeConnick

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, Vol. 1: Squirrel Power by Ryan North

Ms. Marvel, Vol. 9: Teenage Wasteland by G. Willow Wilson

Revival Deluxe Collection Volume 2 by Tim Seeley

Hellboy, Vol. 2: Wake the Devil by Mike Mignola

Chew, Vol. 12: Sour Grapes by John Layman and Rob Guillory

Lady Killer, Vol. 2 by Joëlle Jones

Saga, Vol. 9 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples

Alex + Ada, Vol. 1 by Jonathan Luna and Sarah Vaughn

What graphic novels would you like to try?  Have you read any of the ones that are on my list?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I hear about Saga and Alex + Ada all the time. I think I read one or two graphic novels this year. One was Check, Please!, which was adorable.

    1. I haven't heard of Check, Please - I might have to look into it. :)

  2. Great list! I haven't read many graphic novels recently at all, I may have to check some of these out.

  3. I really need to catch up with Ms Marvel! I haven't read past vol 5.
    Cora |

    1. It's one of my favorite newer Marvel comics. Happy reading and thanks for coming over. :)

  4. I've heard great things about the Lady Killer series, and that cover! Great list😁

    1. I loved volume one - totally June Cleaver meets Black Widow. :)

  5. I really want to check out The Wicked + The Divine. I've heard a lot of good things about it. Lady Killer looks like a lot of fun, haha. Hope you get to some of these soon.

    1. Thanks, Alicia - I hope you get to The Wicked and The Divine soon.

  6. I don't know about graphic novels, but have thought of giving them a shot. I love superheroes and it is a perfect medium for them. Love your header.
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Thanks! There are a lot of great options out there. :)

  7. I just started getting into graphic novels this year. Joe Hill’s Welcome to Lovecraft was fantastic, but I also enjoyed Y: The Last Man by Vaughn. I’ve been meaning to check out his Saga series for awhile now. It gets such good reviews!

    1. I enjoyed the first volume of Y: The Last Man - I'll need to continue it too. :)

  8. Great list! I've only read one of these, but a couple of others are on my TBR.

  9. I don't really read graphic novels, but I've heard lots of good things about Saga!

  10. CAPTAIN MARVEL! SAGA! Actually, I should just stop myself before I just parrot back all of your picks in all caps; flailing in excitement. So many great picks. I am always looking for some graphic novel recs and there is a couple on here I'd yet to see.

  11. (Re: my previous comment. Read, not see. I am pretty much sleep typing so hello typos!)

  12. I need to get caught up with Captain Marvel with the movie coming. And I can vouch for Alex and Ada- good stuff. :)

  13. Squirrel girl sounds funny. I don't think I've ever read a graphic novel. I am going to read one that I got off Netgalley about some sort of disease during World War I though, LOL.

  14. I want to read The Wicked + The Divine and Lady Killer! Nice list!

    Here's a link to my TTT post:

  15. LOVE Alex + Ada, you should definitely read that ASAP. And definitely Saga 9! I almost wish I hadn't because I know I will have to wait soooooo long for the next one! Hope you get to most of these soon, great list idea!

    1. I just finished up Saga 9 and I'm crushed. I wasn't ready for that ending and the wait ahead of me!

  16. I don't think I've ever read a graphic novel, but if ever I would pick one up, I feel like it'd be something Marvel... and I do think I own "Northanger Abbey," so that might be fun too. :)

    Thanks for visiting Finding Wonderland last week, Lauren.

    1. Northanger Abbey could be a lot of fun in that format.

      Thanks for visiting me as well, Rissi. :)


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