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Top Ten Tuesday: New and Recent Releases From African-American Authors On My TBR

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Books On My Summer TBR, but I'm doing something completely different again this week.  Instead I'm featuring some of New and Recent Releases From African-American Authors On My TBR.  Given everything that's been going on around the world and in our own backyards, I thought I could try to spread some positivity - it's the least I can do to be a good ally to try to amplify voices that should be heard.  Here we go, in alphabetical order by title:

Have you read any of these?  Are any of these on you TBR?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!  Stay healthy and safe everyone.


  1. Great list! I'm currently reading one of N.K. Jemisin's earlier titles, The Inheritance trilogy, and am loving it so far! Happy reading :)

    I love that cover to The Kingdom of Back, it's absolutely gorgeous! Happy reading :)

    My TTT

    1. I need to read The Inheritance Trilogy - it looks so good!

  2. Adeyemi and Jemisin are two authors I absolutely want to try.

  3. Smash It! by Francina Simone is one that I am really looking forward to. She makes some really fantastic bookish content on YouTube as well. I've heard great things about Rage of Dragons, it's one I hope to get to soon.
    I really enjoyed Children of Virtue and Vengeance, I hope you do too.

    My TTT: Marie @ Pages to Explore

    1. I've got my eye on that one. I'll have to look up her stuff on YouTube. :)

  4. Tristan Strong had a lot of good reviews last year. This a list I need to explore fuller. Thank you. My TTT

    1. I've going to be listening to it on audiobook very soon- it sounds like it will be fantastic.

  5. I'm currently almost halfway through Deathless Divide (and it's a chonky book) and I'm maybe enjoying it even more than the first one. Also I didn't realise there was a Shuri novel?! I'm gonna have to keep my eyes open for that!
    My Summer TBR.

    1. Good to know about Deathless Divide! It's an MG book and it looks pretty cool.

  6. I am really looking forward to Clap When You Land.

    1. My audiobook hold on it can't come in soon enough. :)

  7. A Song of Wraiths and Ruin sounds so good!

    My TTT .

  8. How wonderful that you had a similar idea. I've also tweaked my TTT and listed anti-racism, Black Lives Matter books.

    1. You're welcome. And many thanks for your visit to my TTT.

  9. Great list! I'm so excited for Deathless Divide, I'm hoping to finally pick it up this month. Happy reading!

  10. River of Royal Blood and Songs of Wraith and Ruin are both on my TBR. I was kind of sad that CVV fell into middle book syndrome territory for me because I loved CBB so much but I'm hoping the third book will be better!
    My TTT:

  11. Clap When You Land was fantastic. Acevedo always makes me feel a LOT, and I have loved all her books.

  12. I'm really eager for A Song of Wraiths and Ruin too. It sounds soo good! The Rage of Dragons also sounds fantastic!

  13. I ordered Clap When You Land - still waiting on that. I'm also super curious about Slay.


  14. Love this! Clap When You Land is the best book I read this year so far. I have only heard incredible things about Slay!

  15. I hope you enjoy all of these. I've Clap When You Land is very good.

  16. Interesting list. Clap When You Land is on my list, too. I've loved her two previous books.
    Lisa @

    1. I have to so I've got high hopes for her newest. Thanks for sharing, Lisa.

  17. I am so excited to get to A Song of Wraiths and Ruin. I will never be over how gorgeous that cover is.

  18. Nice list. Here is my TTT.

  19. Oooh! Lots of great books here! Great list!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  20. This list is incredibly helpful - as you know I created one that was non-fiction, because that is what I read. I want to expand my list to include as many genres as possible, and I will be reading quite a few of these. Thanks again!

    1. Thank you for coming over. I glad you found some. :)

  21. I like your twist on the prompt! I love, love, LOVED Tristan Strong and Deathless Divide, and I hope you do, too! I'm really looking forward to reading The Rage of Dragons, too.

    1. I'm listening to Tristan Strong now and I'm pretty sure it's going to be an all time favorite!

  22. Great list! I've read The City We Became--would definitely recommend!


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