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Top Ten Tuesday: Backlist Books From African-American Authors On My TBR

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Top Ten Tuesday Turns 10, so we pretty much have free reign this week in honor of this anniversary.  I'm featuring some of Backlist Books From African-American Authors On My TBR.  Given everything that's been going on around the world and in our own backyards, I thought I could try to spread some positivity - it's the least I can do to be a good ally to try to amplify voices that should be heard.  Here we go, in alphabetical order by title:

The Color Purple by Alice Walker


  1. I read The Color Purple back in the 80s, and that story has stayed with me. It was very powerful.

    1. It's time I finally try it. Thanks for coming over!

  2. Excellent list! Underground Railroad is high on my must read list😁

  3. The Color Purple and Fences were wonderful stories. Enjoy.

    My TTT .

  4. Great list! I want to cross The Underground Railroad and The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms off my TBR, and it's about time I read Akata Witch, too.

    1. Thanks! Akata Witch was excellent and I hope you enjoy it, Jess!

  5. I read The Color Purple in high school and it is so so good

  6. I loved A Raisin in the Sun and March. I got Underground Railroad from Audible, but I haven't started it yet. Great list!

    1. I hope you'll enjoy it. Thanks for coming over, Cindy.

  7. OOh nice topic and picks! All totally new to me ones.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT!

  8. Jemisin is an author I NEED to get to.

    1. Her work is amazing. I bet you'll love her style!

  9. The Color Purple is probably one of the best books ever written. A lot of these are on my TBR too. Happy reading!

    Denise @ Life With No Plot

    1. I'm glad to know - it's about time I give it a try.

  10. I haven't read any of the books on your list yet. Maybe I should try to take a note about this list. Interesting for me.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT! :)

    1. I hope we'll both enjoy these once we give them a try. Thanks for coming over to mine as well.

  11. Amazing list! I absolutely love that you utilized this weeks topic to dedicate and highlight books by Black authors.

    I've read The Color Purple in college, and Akata Witch and Binti. Definitely need to continue those series. Jemisin's books are fantastic, and March is important and relevant.

    1. Thanks, Genissa. I'm really surprised I didn't end up reading The Color Purple in college. It's time I pick it up.

  12. Great list! I really want to read Akata witch!


  13. I really like the sound of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms. Thanks so much for visiting Long and Short Reviews!

    1. It sounds loke it will be amazing. Thanks for visiting mine as well.

  14. Great list! I'm planning on reading Akata Witch this summer. And N.K. Jemisin is a favourite author, but I need to read this series.

  15. I started watching Fences during a transatlantic flight and after about 10 minutes I started thinking, " this a play? This feels like a play." Looked it up, saw it was, decided to watch something else so I could read it first. I really need to get around to doing that!

    1. I'm going to have to watch it one of these days. :)

  16. Nice list! The Color Purple is indeed very good. I did read Akata Witch, but I haven't read the sequel yet.

  17. I really need to read something by N.K. Jemisin soon. I've had one of her trilogies on my shelves for a while.

  18. The Underground Railroad is so good. Read it first. I also need/want to read Akata Witch. I liked the first book a lot.

  19. Nicely done! March: Book One (March #1) by John Lewis is great, and I enjoyed watching Fences (2016) starring ‎Denzel Washington‎ and ‎Viola Davis. Here's my TTT list.

  20. A lot of these are on my TBR, too. And I honestly am a little disappointed that I haven't gotten to a couple of them yet.

    1. Fingers crossed that we can get to them soon. ;)

  21. I'm really hoping to read The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms next month and I need to start on Akata Witch by Okorafor. Great list!

  22. Some great books on this list! I need to read N.K. Jemisin in general. Doesn't even matter what. I just need to pick up one of their books and get cracking, because I've heard nothing but good things about the author. Akata Witch is on my list, too (and then Akata Warrior, eventually, I assume, since that's usually how it goes haha). Love your list!

  23. Thank you for sharing your list. I have yet to read the first book of Earthseed, but I'm hoping to read Parable of the Sower very soon.

    Happy readings!
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

  24. Great list. I'm planning to read Colson Whitehead later this year (I'll be reading Zone One for Spooktastic Reads). I've just picked up a Hopkinson and a Delaney to get myself going on some classic books by black authors too.

  25. Very important and timely list. I will be looking to add these to the #BlackLivesMatter reading list I am creating.

  26. Love this list! Binti and Parable of the Talents are also on my TBR! And oooh, I just ordered The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms and it should be arriving in the mail soon! I'm so excited! :)


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