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The Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings): The Dire King (Jackaby #4) by William Ritter

On Friday's I take part in three weekly link ups - The Friday 56, hosted by Freda's Voice, and Book Beginnings, hosted by Rose City Reader.  For The Friday 56, you choose a book, a book you have just finished, a book you are about to start, your current read, and share a line or a few lines that grab you (but don't spoil anything) from page 56 or 56% of the way through the ebook. Post it and share your post's url on Freda's most recent Friday 56 post. As for Book Beginnings, you share the first sentence or so and your initial thoughts, impressions, or whatever else it inspires, and then link up your post's url with Rose City Reader. 

Happy Friday everyone!  This week I'm spotlighting one of my current reads, The Dire King (Jackaby #4) by William Ritter.  I've love the previous installments of this series and I just don't want it to end.  I'm not ready to say goodbye yet!


To say that the house at 926 Augur Lane was not yet back to normal would be to grossly misrepresent the nature of the house at 926 Augur Lane.  At it's best, the peculiar property was an abode of the abnormal and a sanctuary for the strange.


"You want me to post bail for somebody?" Miss Lee called down as the carriage began to rattle on down the street.  "I guess I can do that."

"Thank you," Jackaby called back to her.

"Who am I bailing out?"


The carriage bumped along the paving stones for a silent stretch.  "By everyone, you mean...?"

"It is a rather large jar of banknotes," said Jackaby.

What are you reading this weekend?  Have you read this series?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. This sounds like fun! I'd love to visit a house that is an abode of the abnormal, and I'm definitely curious as to who needs to be bailed out and why. Do drop by <a href=">my post</a> if you have the time and I hope you have a lovely weekend :) Juli @ A Universe in Words

    1. I think so, too. Seems fun. Have to make a note to explore this one further. Need to start at the beginning?

    2. Definitely start at the beginning. It's such a great series. It's very Doctor Who meets Sherlock Holmes with a dash of Supernatural. :)

  2. I didn't even know there was a Jackaby #4, lol. I loved the first book😁

    1. All of them have been amazing so far! You need them.

  3. Delightful excerpts. Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “THE LIES YOU TOLD”

  4. I still gotta read the first book!! :-) Happy weekend!

  5. I can't believe there are four books in this series already. I stopped after one even though I liked it a lot. My Friday Quotes from The Blind Assassin

  6. I really want to give this series a try. I keep hearing good things about it. I hope you enjoy this installment! Have a great week!


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