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May The Force Read With You Readathon - Announcement & TBR

 Happy Saturday everyone!  Today I'm sharing my announcement and TBR for a brand new Star Wars inspired readathon called the May The Force Read With You Readathon.  It will run the entire month of May and is hosted by Erik @ BreakEven Books, and cohosted by Noelle, Steff, and Max.  It is based around going up the ranks of either the light side (the Jedi Order - from a Jedi Youngling to a Master of the Order) or the dark side (the Sith Order - from a Sith Apprentice to the Emperor) with five ranks to read your way through on each side.  There is also neutral category your can select from if a given prompt from the side of your choice doesn't work for you.  After you complete your rankings on your side, you can also gain companions for your side - Allies for the light side and Minions for the dark side (or a Bounty Hunter for the neutral).  There is also a group book as well, An Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes #1) by Sabaa Tahir, which I don't plan on reading since I've already read it.  You can see my review for that book right here.  Anyway, keep reading to see what books I plan to read to become a Jedi Master of the Order with two Allies:  

Light Side Prompts

Jedi Council - Sequel or book in a series

My choice: Lost in a Good Book (Thursday Next #2) by Jasper Fforde - The first book in this series was delightful and I can't believe I've put off this sequel for far too long.

Force Spirit - A book with paranormal elements 

My choice: The Turning (Blood Ties #1) by Jennifer Armentrout - I'm always on the look out for new to me vampire books and urban fantasy.  I'm hoping this one will be fun.

Healing - Read a book from your favorite genre

My choice: Real of Ash (The Books of Ambha #2) by Tasha Suri - I'm always on the lookout for lush fantasy and I loved its predecessor, Empire of Sand.  I can't wait to see what Suri does here.

Knowledge - Read one of the oldest books on your shelf/ TBR

My choice: A Feast for Crows (A Song of Ice and Fire #4) by George R.R. Martin - This has been on my Goodreads TBR for nearly as long as I've been on Goodreads.  It's time I get even closer to getting caught up.

Cleansed - Book with a white cover 

My choice: Daughter of the Blood (The Black Jewels #1) by Anne Bishop - A while back I picked up the first few books in this series at a library book sale.  I've liked everything else I've read from Bishop, so I'm really excited to start in on this.

Allies Prompts

Rebel Alliance - A book with a rebellion

My choice: Thieftaker (Thieftaker Chronicles #1) by D.B. Jackson - Historical fantasy is one of my favorite genres, but I can't say I've ever read one set in Boston 1765 just a decade before the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War.  Plus, look at the cover - it's by one of my favorite cover artists: Christian McGrath.

Resistance - A book from your least favorite genre

My choice: Empires of the Indus: The Story of a River by Alice Albinia - I don't read all that much nonficiton, but there are so many titles that sound intriguing.  A friend of mine gave me this one, and it's high time I get to it.

Are you taking part in this Star Wars themed readathon?  Have you read any of these books?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. This sounds like fun, and you have a bunch of good books to read! Looking forward to seeing how you did at the end of the month.

  2. Ohhh this sounds like so much fun! I don't know if I want to set a TBR for myself next month but I may casually have to do this lol


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