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Wyrd & Wonder - Movies and TV Shows I Want To Watch This Month

Happy Wednesday everyone!  Today I'm sharing my potential watchlist for Wyrd & Wonder which is a month long celebration of all things fantasy during this month of May.  It is co-hosted Lisa @ Dear Geek Place, imyril @ There’s Always Room For One More, Ariana @ Book Nook Reviews, Annemieke @ A Dance With Books, and Jorie @ Jorie Loves A Story.  I've got quite a few fantasy movies and tv shows on my watchlist and I think I've got some great watching ahead of me.  I can't say that I'll make much of a dent in them, but I'll give it my best try!


The Adventurer: The Curse of the Midas Box (2013) - Both Michael Sheen and Sam Neill are in this movie, and that makes it a must watch in my book!

Night Teeth (2021) - I don't know why I've been putting off this Netflix movie because it looks just like my kind of movie.

Wish Dragon (2021) - This Netflix animated movie looks delightful.  Plus, John Cho is in it!

The Witcher: The Nightmare of the Wolf (2021) - I love The Witcher the tv series, so I've got to try this animated prequel movie.

TV Shows:

Black (2017) - I'm always on the look out for K-dramas on Netflix and this fantasy thriller looks like it could be really cool.

Curon (2020) - Same goes for other international productions on Netflix and this Italian supernatural horror thriller sounds intriguing.

Locke & Key, Season 2 (2022) - Season one of this show was great and I can't believe I've put off season two for so long already. It's going to be quite a ride!

Luna Nera (2020) - All I had to hear was witchcraft in 1600s Italy and I was sold.

The Order (2019-2020) - I keep seeing this pop up on Netflix and it's time I give it a chance.

October Faction (2020) - I've seen a lot of mixed reviews of this show, but the premise sounds good to me.

Are you taking part in Wyrd & Wonder?  What are you watching this month?  Have you every seen any of these?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I loved Night Teeth!!

    Curon was weird I thought but worth watching!

    1. I've started on Curon and I'm really liking it so far. Definitely weird. :)

  2. A lot of these look really good, but Night Teeth is one I need to watch!

  3. I'm a huge kdrama addict, so always happy to see a kdrama recommendation. If you're interested in scifi kdramas, try Kingdom (zombies in historical Korea) or Happiness (er, zombies in modern Korea)... Well-made shows and entirely spine chilling!

    1. I loved Kingdom! Definitely will have to look into Happiness too. Thanks for coming over, Lex!


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