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Wyrd & Wonder - Sunday Funday: Week 2 Update

Happy Sunday Funday and welcome to my second weekly update for Wyrd & Wonder!  Wyrd & Wonder which is a month long celebration of all things fantasy during this month of May.  It is co-hosted Lisa @ Dear Geek Place, imyril @ There’s Always Room For One More, Ariana @ Book Nook Reviews, Annemieke @ A Dance With Books, and Jorie @ Jorie Loves A Story.  Keep reading to see what I got up to since this time last week:

My Wyrd & Wonder Posts This Week:

What I Watched This Week:

Night Teeth (2021) is one of those movies where I really liked the idea behind it. The movie itself is solid, but there's so much more I would have liked to have seen. I don't know about you but it really reminded me of the urban fantasy of Daniel José Older, or at least what it could have been anyway.

My review is also on Letterboxd.


Luna Nera (2020) - So far I've watched the first two episodes of this six episode Italian Netflix series.  It's a pretty solid historical fantasy series.  It's set in 1600s Italy revolving around women who have been accused of witchcraft.  There are moments when it's fairly slow and then others when it doesn't waste any time.  I'm really liking Ade, our lead, but I think Pietro is my favorite so far - he seems very logical and reasonable.  As it goes, I have a feeling this is going to get better.  I guess we'll see!   

The Order (2019-2020) - I've only watched the first episode so far.  It's got enough going for it to get me to stick with it, but it's kind of underwhelming to be honest.  I was hoping for something along the lines of Ninth House, but it's nowhere near there - yet.  I hope this will improve because the premise sounds pretty cool.  


October Faction (2020) - I've also only watched the first episode of October Faction so far as well, and as of now I think I prefer it to The Order just based on the first episode alone.  It's good to see Tamara Taylor again after Bones ended, and (like I saw mentioned another review) J.C. MacKenzie's character totally gives me Cameron from Ferris Bueller's Day Off as if he were in a Supernatural episode and somehow that works for me.  Definitely going to stick with this one to see where it goes.

What I Read This Week:

The Novice (Summoner #1) by Taran Matharu was really cool.  I don't know why I put this off for so long because this has so much potential to become one of my favorite YA fantasy series.  The lead character, Fletcher, is now one of my top male leads in the genre.  The world-building is also pretty great - from its own politics and history to all of the magical creatures that are featured.  Obviously, I knew there were going to be demons, but the elves, orcs, and dwarves and all the rest were such a pleasant surprise.  I have to read the rest of the this series as soon as possible.

My review is also on Goodreads.


The Book of Night by Holly Black really reminded me of her Curse Workers series and I loved that. I will say that this wasn't quite as exciting as I was hoping for but if you're a fan of her work it is definitely a must read. I hope we get to see more adult stories from her in the future. Really just whatever she wants to write because she is one of my favorite authors.

My review is also on Goodreads.

Are you taking part in Wyrd & Wonder?  Have you seen this show or read this book?  As always, thanks for visiting and perhaps even commenting down below!


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