Happy Wednesday and welcome to my final and fourth weekly update for Sci-Fi Month 2022 ! Sci-Fi Month is a month long celebration of all things sci-fi and it's hosted by Lisa @ Dear Geek Place and Imyril @ One More . (Image credit: Artwork by Simon Fetscher) . It's been a bit longer than a week since my last update, but I thought I'd combine this with my final post. Keep reading to see what I've been up to since my last weekly update and the most exciting - a giveaway (sorry, US only): My Sci-Fi Month Posts This Week: Sunday Funday: Week 3 Update Music Monday: Dark City (1998) Top Ten Tuesday: Upcoming Sci-Fi Releases I Can't Wait To Read The Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings): Mort(e) ( War With No Name #1) by Robert Repino Celebrate A Subgenre: Apocalyptic Music Monday: SpaceWave Top Ten Tuesday: Cozy Sci-Fi Reads What I Watched This Week : âť‹ âť‹ âť‹ âť‹ âť‹ I watched the final three episodes (12 total) of...