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The Last Days of Jack Sparks by Jason Arnopp - Review

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Jack Sparks, the controversial pop culture journalist, died while writing his newest book on the supernatural. He was called many things - from a talentless hack to a fearless rebel - but either way his unexpected death was a shock to everyone. First, he fired up a huge storm on Twitter after mocking an exorcism he witnessed in rural Italy. Then, there was the creepy thirty-six second video posted to his YouTube channel that he swears had nothing to do with him in the least. This book chronicles his journey to unravel the mystery behind the video footage as he gets sucked deeper and deeper into the supernatural world by compiling files found after he died. Only one thing is for certain, Jack doesn't live to tell his tale.

The Last Days of Jack Sparks by Jason Arnopp is easily one of my favorite reads of 2016. I had seen several great reviews for this novel, but I was totally sold on it after I read Tammy @ Books, Bones, Buffy's review. After that I was completely convinced that this would be exactly my kind of novel and I was one hundred percent right on that point! If you like your scream-worthy horror laced with a sharp sense of humor, you absolutely need Arnopp's new and inventive horror in your life. I also expect that if you enjoyed Horrorstör by Grady Hendrix there's a good chance you'll like this too. Overall, The Last Days of Jack Sparks comes highly recommend from me, but don't just take my word for it - get reading! Word to the wise: Leave the lights on!

I read this novel from October 20 - 24, 2016 and my review is also on Goodreads.


  1. you got me at if you like Horrorstor.. 'cause I loved that one! Reading it felt like watching an American horror movie!! I need tp add this on my wishlist now. Great review! :)


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