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Sunday Funday: Weekend Book Haul

This Saturday I went to Library Warehouse booksale and, of course, I came back with a whole stack of new to me books!  Now this booksale is fairly huge - it's donations from all across the county (or anyone who wants to donate their books) and withdrawn items from any library in the county - and I spent a good deal of time locating the items of my choice!  I ended up walking away with eight books - 4 paperbacks, 4 hardbacks and three of paperbacks are not previous library copies.  Here's what I picked up:

Halting State (Halting State #1) by Charles Stross

The Seeing Stone (Arthur Trilogy #1) by Kevin Crossley-Holland

Alanna: The First Adventure (Song of the Lioness #1) by Tamora Pierce

Sin in the Second City: Madams, Ministers, Playboys and the Battle for America's Soul by Karen Abbott

A Hard Day's Knight (Nightside #11) by Simon R. Green

Another Pan (The Marlowe School #2) by Daniel & Dina Nayeri

Angelmaker by Nick Harkaway

Froi of the Exiles (The Lumatere Chronicles #2) by Melina Marchetta

So what do you think of my haul?  Have you read any of them?  Any I should bump up on my tbr?


  1. Halting Stone looks interesting. Gonna have to look that one up. Have you read it? Also I have tag you in the I Mustache You:

    1. I haven't yet. I just thought it sounded too interesting to pass up! Thanks!


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