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Top Ten Tuesday: Hyped Books I've Never Read

Happy Tuesday everyone!  I hope all of my American friends had a happy and safe Independence Day weekend.  This week the theme of Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, is Hyped Books I've Never Read.  Below are a randomly organized selection of hyped up books from the past four or five years that I haven't read yet but fully intend to read some day.  

Enclave by Ann Aguirre

Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi

Obsidian by Jennifer Armentrout

Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King

I'll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson

Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

More Than This by Patrick Ness

The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt

Wonder by R. J. Palacio

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews

Bonus Book from 2005:

Eragon by Christopher Paolini 

What do you think of my list?  Have you read any of these books yet?  Which should I bump up my TBR and which I move further down my TBR?  I love comments and all comments are appreciated - I try to respond to everyone! 


  1. Let's see. Where to begin...
    1. Me and Earl, and the Dying Girl just came out in film this past week. Read it quick then go see it at the theater.
    2. Eragon is amazing. It is one of those books(series) which my students read over and over. I listened to the audiobook, which I recommend since there are hard to pronounce names and places.
    3. Eleanor and Park---amazing. Read it!
    4. I'll Give You the Sun was my favorite YA book of last year.
    5. Wonder is a very touching, sweet story. It is considered a Junior book but I still liked it.
    6. Goldfinch is LONG but amazing.

    Good luck on this list.

    1. Thanks for the tips! The trailer for Me and Earl and the Dying Girl did look really good. :)

  2. I listened to Eleanor and Park earlier this year and really liked it. I highly recommend it! It's been years since I read Eragon. I remember liking it, but not enough to ever read the rest of the trilogy.

    I've got Goldfinch on my list and I want to read the Patrick Ness book you mention. I loved his Chaos Walking Trilogy.

    1. Chaos Walking is one of my all-time favorites.

      I have no idea how I missed out on Eragon - I was in high school when it came out and so many people I knew were reading it. Thanks for the advice. :)

  3. I would like to read More Than This someday too. Or any Patrick Ness. I just finished Me and Earl and the Dying Girl... and it was so funny!! I just loved it. I also loved I'll Give You the Sun. That one is worth the hype. It deserves every award it got. I was not impressed with Obsidian though. It was too much like Twilight. Way too much. Great list!!!

    1. I've heard so much about Obsidian, both positive and negative, but I'll keep your words in mind.

      Thanks for sharing!

  4. I really enjoyed Eleanor & Park. I didn't expect to like it as much as I did. My TTT!

    1. I didn't expect to like Fangirl as much as I did either...maybe it's a sign. :)

  5. My TTT only overlapped yours a tiny bit. Eragon and Eleanor & Park are excellent reads. I actually want to read Mr. Mercedes, but am worried because I am a wuss about scary stuff.

    1. I've always like Stephen King, so I will definitely be checking that one out. I've heard such great things about them. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  6. I have only read Wonder and E&P from your list, but I will say that I loved both of them! And I'm really not one for hyped books....

    Here's my TTT post!

    1. I usually like to see what all the fuss is about, but sometimes I'm a little late to the party. :)

  7. Oh man I haven't read most of these! Under the Never Sky and Eleanor and Park are on my TBR list though, so maybe I'll get to them soon. I don't like Stephen King so I don't see myself reading Mr Mercedes. Great list!

    Christina @ Books & Prejudice

    1. I'll have to check them out! Thanks for visiting.

  8. I'll Give you the Sun made my list too! I've tried listening to the audiobook but couldn't finish.

    Check out mine:

    Jesse Nicholas @BooksatDawn

    1. I'd still like to try it, but it has really been hyped up.

      Thanks for sharing!

  9. We both share Eragon! I didn't even realize Me and Earl and the Dying Girl was a book until I read your list. The Goldfinch is also one of those books that's popped up on my radar a few times but that I also have not yet read.

    1. I've had my eyes on them for quite a while, but I just haven't gotten there yet. Some day...

  10. I love, love, LOVED Under the Never Sky!! It's one of my favorite series. I think Eragon really was just a lot of hype. It was ok, kind of boring in places. I didn't read the rest of the books in the series. I really do want to read Me and Earl and the Dying Girl and I'll Give You the Sun. Great list!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

  11. Great list! Mr. Mercedes and The Goldfinch really should be on mine as I want to read them but just haven't yet.

  12. You have to read I'll Give You the Sun! One of my favorite books of the year. The Luxe series was really addicting but I never read the last book in the series because I had started to get a little bored. The Goldfinch and More Than This are both on my TBR too!
    Thanks for stopping by the The Local Muse

    1. I've got my eye on I'll Give You the Sun, that's for sure!

  13. Interesting list! I haven't read all of these (a few are on my TBR as well), but of the ones I have read:

    Enclave - this book in itself wasn't totally brilliant - there are some aspects to the way the "Enclave" is set up that didn't quite make logical sense, and left me with questions. But I read the rest of the series, and found that by the end I totally loved it. So even if you're underwhelmed at first give it the first book - you should have a pretty good idea by the end if you want to know what happens, and bear in mind that each book is better than the last. In my opinion, anyway.

    Obsidian - Kind of like Twilight, but with aliens. Entertaining, but with a fair amount of eye-rolling from me! (I read about two and a half books from this series before giving up. They're quick, though.)

    Goldfinch (half) - This is one of those books I can never quite figure out what to say about. I thought the writing was great, but it's also very dense. It's the kind of book that you really feel like you're IN as you're reading. Which isn't always a great thing, considering the story. It's also slow. There's a ton of detail that goes into the world-building, and the plot creeps along at a glacial pace. I found I couldn't read too much at once because it was a little overwhelming, and at a point where the story has a large shift (I won't say anything about what happens specifically) I just had too hard of a time sticking with it to feel myself into the new one. That said, if you're a patient reader, I know some readers who thought it was brilliant and well worth the effort.

    Eleanor & Park - I absolutely adored this book. It was my first Rainbow Rowell and it led me to devour two more of her books (I'm saving one) in quick succession. It's got all the feels, and definitely will make you sad in places, but I'd definitely recommend it.

    Happy reading! Here's hoping you find time to get to a few of these soon.

    1. Thanks! I heard a lot of mixed reviews about Obsidian to tell you the truth, but I'll have to make the plunge eventually.

  14. I'm with you on not having read I'll Give You the Sun and Elanor & Park! I'd love to read them, but there's so many more books that I still need to read. Personally, I was pretty disappointed in Obsidian. I don't understand the hype, really. It was a solid read but for me, it wasn't anything special. I do love Under the Never Sky, though! The third book, Into the Still Blue, is one of my favorite ends to a series.

    Happy reading!

    1. *Eleanor haha autocorrect is the death of me!

    2. That's exactly how I always want to spell it for some reason...

    3. We'll just say it's a "Great minds think alike!" moment and leave it at that! :)

  15. I enjoyed Under the Never Sky, it's probably not the best book in the world, but I still enjoyed reading it. I wasn't a fan of More Than This, the book was really slow and even though I love Patrick Ness's Chaos Walking series, this one just didn't do it for me.

  16. I've heard SO much about Rainbow's books, but never read them. And of course, "Earl" is getting a lot of spotlighting again in various places because of the movie. :)

    Thanks so much for visiting Dreaming Under the Same Moon.

    1. You're welcome and thanks for visiting my blog too.

  17. I haven't read any of these either! Sonehow, I missed the whole Eragon craze.;)
    My aunt loved The Goldfinch, though I've heard it's long.
    Thanks for stopping by!

  18. I'll have to check out your review. Thanks for commenting!

  19. Eleanor and Park is a good read. I am actually excited and nervous about the film adaptation but I heard Rainbow Rowell is writing the screenplay so it should be good. Only time will tell.

    1. I'm looking forward to following the film's production. Thanks for visiting!

  20. I have The Goldfinch on my list as well. It is actually sitting on my bookshelf right now just waiting for me to pick it up.

    1. I've heard so much about it and I hope you like it.

  21. I found Eragon immensely boring, and gave up on it partway through. I just finally read Wonder, and it is great, as is Eleanor and Park. More than This is not my favorite Patrick Ness, but it is still Patrick Ness!

  22. Ive only ever read Enclave but I liked it well enough.

    1. It definitely sounds intriguing. Thanks for stopping by!

  23. I've not read Enclave either! I have Me and Earl and the Dying Girl from the library, and I'm hoping to read it soon! :)

    1. I'll have to do the same and hopefully I'll like it and you will to.

  24. I'll Give You the Sun is beautiful! I hope you can get to it soon. :)

  25. Okay, you MUST read Under the Never Sky- it starts of a little weird but gets SO good. And I'll Give You the Sun is GORGEOUSLY written, so that's a must. Anything by Patrick Ness I will always force upon people ;)

    I NEED to read Me and Earl, Eleanor and Park, and Enclave though, I have them all, I just need to do it! Hope you love them all when you get the chance to read them!

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

    1. Fantastic! I can't wait and I hope you like those as well.

  26. I just finished the UTNS series, and it was quite good :)

    Kim @ Divergent Gryffindor: BLOG || VLOG

    1. I keep hearing that and I'm glad you liked it. :)

  27. Wonder is definitely worth reading! I read it a while back and the message is so perfect and the writing is amazing. Happy reading!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

  28. I have read a few of these myself:

    Under the Never Sky - I loved the whole series.
    Obsidian - An okay and easy read.
    Eragon - Read years ago and enjoyed it back then, although I was a lot younger and haven't gotten further than book two.

    A few of the others are ones I want to read but need to get to.

    1. Thanks for the input. Definitely keep it in mind. :)

  29. I've wanted to read that E&P book. Here is my TTT:


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