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World After (Penryn & the End of Days #2) by Susan Ee - Review

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When a group of people attempt to capture Penryn's sister, Paige, thinking she's a monster the entire situation ends in a massacre and Paige flees. Penryn has to find her sister so she sets out through an abandoned San Francisco. During her search she stumbles into the angels plans and learns the horrifying truth about how far they are willing to go. Raffe, on the otherhand, believes Penryn is dead and he knows that he needs to take back his wings. Without them, he can't rejoin the angels and take his rightful place as a leader among them. When he learns that Penryn is still alive, he'll have to make a choice. Will he help her or will he go after his wings?

I was so impressed with Angelfall and I can now say the same about its sequel, World After. This book begins immediately after the ending of the first and I must say it's just as thrilling and action-packed as the previous installment. It doesn't suffer from middle book syndrome at all. I enjoyed seeing where the author took the story - I enjoyed seeing Penryn grow, learning more about her mother, figuring out more of what's going on with Paige, and learning horrible truth about the angels plans for humanity - and our cast of characters. I'm also glad Penryn and Raffe met back up - the two are pretty great together. I missed their awesomeness when they weren't sharing page-time. However, it is Pooky Bear who steals the show.

In conclusion, this is exactly my kind of angel book. If Cas from Supernatural is your kind of angel, you'll probably enjoy this series too. I'm looking forward to the final book in this series, End of Days.

I read this novel from July 23 - 29, 2015 and my review is also on Goodreads.


  1. Great Review :) I have been meaning to read this for while along with many other books! I have nominated you for the Book Fangirling Award :D Congrats!!! Check out my post here:

    Have a lovely day/evening!

    1. Thanks! It's great and I hope you like it!

      Thank you for the nomination! :)

  2. So glad to hear you enjoyed this one too, Lauren. You're right, the action in this series is unrelenting. Pooky Bear had me laughing like crazy and yes, Penryn and Raffe are so amazing together. Great review!

  3. I know right! I love how we hardly have time to take a breath. Thanks!


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