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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Loved Less Than I Thought I Would

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!  This week's topic is Books I Loved Less/More Than I Thought I Would (recently or all time) - it's the week after Valentine's Day and I feel like covering books books I loved less than I thought I would.  Each title is linked to my review, if you'd like to see why I didn't like these so much.  Here we go in alphabetical order:

Black City by Elizabeth Richards

Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes

Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard

The Iron Trial by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare

Mrs. Hudson's Diaries: A View From the Landing at 221b by Barry and Bob Cryer 

Passenger by Alexandra Bracken

The Reader by Traci Chee

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

Sidney Chambers and the Shadow of Death by James Runcie

Thief of Lies by Brenda Drake

Have you tried any of these books?  Did you like them more than I did?  What books have you enjoyed more than you thought you would?  Thanks as always for visiting my blog, and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Yes for Red Queen/Glass Sword! I'm probably going to DNF the series because I was so disappointed with glass sword /:

    Caroline @ Just Another Bookish Blog

    1. For some reason, I'm actually still going to read King's Cage - I guess, I still want to see how it all ends. :)

      Thanks for visiting, Caroline.

  2. I felt the same way about Passenger. There was a lot of hype surrounding the book and I was just plain underwhelmed. I probably will not read the sequel either.

  3. Definitely agree with you on the Red Queen series. I liked the first one enough to continue on with the second, but I think that one has killed it for me and I probably won't read the next one.

    1. I'm reading the finale - guess I'll see how it all ends.

  4. I think sometimes the hype builds our expectations and the book falls flat.
    sherry @ fundinmental My TT

  5. I didn't like Red Queen as much as I was hoping and haven't continued on though a part of me is I loved The Iron Trial and need to get the second book! :) The Sidney Chambers book I started but couldn't get into it but I love the Masterpiece Mystery series that was based on it on

    1. I love the Grantchester show, and while that book was good it just wasn't quite what I was hoping for.

  6. Sorry about fallen kingdoms! I've heard amazing things about the whole series and I've been meaning to pick it up for a while to see how I feel about it!

    1. I know, I had heard so much about it, but it just wasn't what I was hoping for. I hope you enjoy it more than I did, Kirsty.

  7. Lots of these I've had on my list. Fallen Kingdoms Iron Trial and possibly Glass sword are all one I've looked at, sorry to hear they weren't quite up to snuff.

    1. It was quite disappointing...

      Thanks for coming over, Greg.

  8. I was also disappointed with Red Queen and with the number of disappointed reviews for Glass Sword, I didn't expect much from it. And it wasn't good, I know. So thank the stars for low expectations. I'm still reading King's Cage though.

    1. That was me too - low expectations. Still wasn't all that impressed, but like you I will be seeing how it all ends.

  9. I own Red Queen but I keep reading mixed reviews about it so I'm afraid maybe I won't like it either.
    Thief of Lies has a pretty cover but as we know that can be deceiving :)
    Nice post!

    Ronnie @ Paradise Found

  10. If content was equal to the covers, some of these would have been gorgeous books. :-) It's especially hard when you go into a book with low expectations and still aren't impressed. Ugh. I haven't read any of the books on your list, although I think I may have Passenger and Reader on my TBR pile somewhere.

  11. Wow! I haven't read a *single one* of these! Oy. How embarrassing. I have Red Queen on my list though. I did read Bracken's The Darkest Minds and felt it lacking. It's interesting to see that trend continued. Oh well!

  12. I've liked all the books in the red queen series so far. I also enjoyed the iron trials, but the second book was a dnf! Some of these others I have on my TBR

  13. I didn't care for Falling Kingdoms and Red Queen either. I DNFed both of them.

  14. Oh man. You have a lot of books on here that I enjoyed. I binge-read the Black City series and really loved the books! But again, I binge-read them back-to-back, which was fun. Let's see, underwhelming books... Throne of Glass series, ACOTAR series, The Selection series, Three Dark Crowns... Bah bah black sheep. :D Great list, Lauren!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  15. I have Fallen Kingdom, but I haven't read it yet. I'm hoping I like it though.

    1. It has so much potential - hopefully you'll like it more than me!

  16. oh we're twinning on so many of these! I didn't like The Reader AT ALL and I was so disappointed with Falling Kingdoms, Passenger, and Red Queen too. Eeeep. Disappointing books are the worst.

  17. I will forever be disappointed that Falling Kingdoms was such a letdown. I really wanted to own all those gorgeous covers.

  18. Books that I've enjoyed more than I thought I would... well there's The Handmaid's Tale I just read for english class, I actually quite enjoyed it.

    I have Red Queen on my shelf right now, haven't read it yet. I hope I like it, from the reviews it seems like my kind of book.

    Happy reading!

    Wren @

    1. Yes, The Handmaid's Tale was one of my favorites from college. :)


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