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The Carnelian (The Gemstone Chronicles #1) by William L. Stuart - Review

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I received this novel from the author in exchange for an honest review.

While rock hunting with their grandpa, Aidan and Maggie discover an odd fairy cross stone. It turns out that a real life elf's been imprisoned inside it for the last 200 years and they decide that they need to set him free. Before they know it, Aidan, Maggie, and their grandparents, Beebop and Nana, are being attacked by Dark Elves and they have no choice but to flee with Findecano, the Light Elf who had been imprisoned in the stone, into the magical realm of Celahir. In Celahir with Findecano, the family has no choice but to go on a quest in order to recover the stolen gemstones from the Elven Bow, a magical artifact of the Light Elves. Without the recovery of the gemstones, the balance between good and evil in both Celahir and the human world could tip irrevocably toward evil.

If you're looking for an epic older MG/ younger YA adventure fantasy novel, you really should try The Carnelian, which is book one of William L. Stuart's The Gemstone Chronicles. The world-building is well imagined and the cast of characters feel quite real. As much as I loved Aidan and Maggie, I really appreciated the fact that their grandparents, Nana and Beebop, have such a great role in the adventure. On that note, I also enjoyed the magic via gemstone aspect. Plus, we even get to see kelpies, aka water horses, which don't show up often enough in fantasy, in my opinion anyway. It's refreshing to see something different for a change. Also, I just have to say that I totally had Drizzt in the back of my mind for the Dark Elves, aka the Drow.

Are you a fan of The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis? Then you absolutely need to to try this fun series opener. I am certainly looking forward to trying book two, The Amethyst. Thanks again, Mr. Stuart, for giving me this opportunity!

I read this novel in exchange for an honest review from August 3 - 6, 2017 and my review is also on Goodreads.


  1. Great review Lauren! This author is for sure on my radar. :) I hope you love the sequel!!

    1. Thanks, Genni! I hope you get the chance to pick this up!

  2. I love the Chronicles of Narnia! That comparison is enough to have me curious. I used to love reading books involving elves. Where have those books gone? I think I need to marathon the Lord of the Rings movies. :D

    Great review, Lauren! Have a lovely week. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. I can't say I blame you about LoTR - I'm thinking about doing the same! :D

      Thanks for visiting, Alyssa.


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