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#TheReadingQuest - The Knight's Tale & TBR

Aentee @ Read At Midnight is hosting a brilliant reading challenge called #TheReadingQuest that looks like it's going to be so much fun (art by CW @ Read, Think, Ponder).  This quest will last from Sunday, August 13th to Sunday, September 10th (by the way, it can work with other challenges - like Book Riot's 2017 Reader Harder Challenge and Summer 2017 Bookish Bingo).

Classes and Quests:

Of the four character classes (Knight, Bard, Mage, or Rogue), I've selected the Knight's Quest which is to read a title for each box in the top row linked by blue dots (each corner also corresponds to the next class if you decide to play through the entire board).  You're also encouraged to do the Side Quests which are the nine blue boxes in the center of the Quest Board for bonus points.

Points: Current - 10 EXP, 10 HP

Experience Points - Everyone begins with 10 Experience Points (EXP), and each completed book (in any format) for the Quest Board earns +10 EXP or Graphic novels/ Manga earn +5 EXP.  Exception:  Books by marginalized authors will gain +20 EXP.  Adventurers who complete their character’s quest before the end of the challenge will earn +50 EXP. You will earn an additional +30 EXP for any additional character quest you complete after that.  Your character will level up with every +50 EXP. Everyone begins at Level 1.

Health Points - Everyone begins with 10 Health Points (HP). Every 10 pages you read during the Quest will give you +1HP, or Graphic novels/ Manga earn +1HP every 20 pages. Tweeting on #TheReadingQuest hashtag (with meaningful tweets about your current reads, roleplay with your current character, book recommendations, or photos of your quest books or TBR pile) will earn you +1HP each (+20HP maximum).

Points will be cataloged in a Masterpost at the end of the challenge to determine the Quest Champion and prize winners.  If you want to be eligible to win (optional), you need to keep track of your points and level.

My TBR -

The Knight's Quest:

The First Book Of A Series (Also applies to the Mage's Quest) - The Iron Wyrm Affair (Bannon & Clare #1) by Lilith Saintcrow - I've had this steampunk alternate fantasy novel on my tbr for quite a while, plus I've had good luck with this author in the past.

A Book With A Verb in the Title - Dead Witch Walking (The Hollows #1) by Kim Harrison - I've heard so many great things about this urban fantasy series and I have no idea why I haven't already read it. (Crosses over with my Summer 2017 Bookish Bingo challenge, fulfills the On Your TBR Forever square)

A Book With A Weapon on It's Cover - Stalking Jack the Ripper (Stalking Jack the Ripper #1) by Kerri Maniscalco - Again, I've seen so many great reviews for this novel that I have no clue why I haven't already picked it up.

A Book With A Red Cover - The Rook (The Checquy Files #1) by Daniel O'Malley - This just sounds awesome!  (Crosses over with my Summer 2017 Bookish Bingo challenge, fulfills the Red Cover square)

A Book That Has A TV/ Movie Adaptation (Also applies to the Bard's Quest) - My Cousin Rachel by Daphne du Maurier - I haven't seen the new movie yet starring Rachel Weisz, but I've been meaning to read this for ages since I loved Rebecca.

Side Quests:

Potions (A Book Concocted By 2+ Authors) - Incognito (Incognito #1) by by Ed Brubaker (Writer), Sean Phillips (Artist, Letterer), Val Staples (Colourist), Bill Hader (Introduction) - I loved Brubaker's work on The Fade Out, so I should really try one of his other series.

Multiplayer (Buddy Read A Book) - TBD - If anyone is interested in doing a buddy read with me, let me know!

Grind (A Book With 500+ Pages) - Tales from Shadowhunter Academy (#1-10) by Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan, Maureen Johnson and, Robin Wasserman - I need to get all caught up on this series! (672 pages)

Time Warp (A Book Set In The Past Or The Future) - Into the Dim (Into the Dim #1) by Janet B. Taylor  - This will also work for my Summer 2017 Bookish Bingo challenge and will fulfill the Travel square - I just can't resist time travel.

Open World (Read Whatever You Want) - Crown of Midnight (Throne of Glass #2) by Sarah J. Maas - This will also work for my Summer 2017 Bookish Bingo challenge and will fulfill the A Book With A Map square - I've been meaning to read this for ages and now that I have it on my TBR for two challenges I'll have to read it.

Respawn (Read A Book You Previously DNF'd) - Falling Kingdoms (Falling Kingdoms #1) by Morgan Rhodes - I tried to listen to this novel last year on audiobook, but I ended up giving up on it around 15% through the novel.  I think this time I may try it again but with the print edition of the story instead.

Expansion (Read A Companion Novel Or Short Story) - Carniepunk - This is a novel of short stories from some of my favorite urban fantasy authors including Kevin Hearne, Rachel Caine, Seanan McGuire, and Rob Thurman.

Mini-Game (Read A Graphic Novel, Novella, or Poem Collection) - Batgirl, Volume 1: The Batgirl of Burnside by Cameron Stewart - This will also work for Book Riot's Read Harder Challenge and fulfill task eighteen which require reading a superhero comic with a female lead.

Animal Companion (Book Referencing An Animal In The Title) - Big Fish by Daniel Wallace - This will also work for my Summer 2017 Bookish Bingo challenge and will fulfill the Flowers On The Cover square - I love the movie adaptation of this with Ewan McGregor and I hope the book lives up to my expectations.

Are you taking part in #TheReadingQuest?  What character class are you playing and what are some of the books you're hoping to make it through?  Thanks as always for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I've been seeing this challenge everywhere, I'm starting to think I may join too, it looks like fun! I loved The Rook, and you have a lot of books on your list that I have my eye on. Good luck!

  2. You've got some fantastic book choices here! I may have to come back and add quite a few to my Goodreads wish list, asap, so I don't forget them all!

    Thanks, mate lol (looks in purse for money...)


    1. It'll be a good month! Happy reading, Sassy! Don't spend too much! :D

  3. Okay this sounds so cool! I'm still deciding on whether or not to participate, but I'm leaning towards yes! Good luck with all the books. :D

  4. Enjoy your books! I love the cover of The Iron Wyrm Affair.

  5. I need to read Stalking Jack the Ripper soon!

    Crown of Midnight is my favorite (so far) that I've read in the Throne of Glass series. I will have to continue with them soon.

    1. Hopefully we'll both like Stalking Jack the Ripper. :)

      Thanks for visiting my blog! :)

  6. Yay, so glad you're joining- I am as well and I'm super excited for the challenges! I JUST finished Stalking Jack last night and quite enjoyed it; it's so intriguing and different! I think it's the writing style, but it's just very mysterious and captivating. Hope you enjoy!
    OH MY GOSH. I have been trying to get my hands on a copy of The Rook for AGES. It looks SO good and I just haven't been able to pick it up; you'll have to let me know how it goes!
    Awesome TBR, good luck! ;-)
    -Amy @

    1. I can't wait to jump in to both of them! Thanks for coming over, Amy! :)

    2. Yay, good luck! Anytime! :-)

  7. Oh, you're a knight! That's cool, hope you have a ton of fun! I've read and loved Rebecca, too, but no other du Maurier novels yet.


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