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The Longest Book Tag

Thanks very much to Erica @ Erica Robyn Reads for tagging me to complete The Longest Book Tag!   This tag was created by Ditsha @ Betwitchingly Paranoid.  I already know I've read some pretty huge books, so let's get on with it and see how I stack up!

The Rules:

1. Make a list of five of the longest books you’ve read.
2. Select two of the longest books on your TBR.
3. Discuss
4. Tag others

The Tag:

Here are the five longest books that I've read -

The Complete Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - 1,796 pages
I can't resist Sherlock Holmes so this is just about the ultimate to have - it features all of the novels and the short stories!  When I was working my way through this, I broke them up rather than tackling it all at once.  Every now and then I'll go back and reread a favorite story or passage.

The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas - 1,276 pages
This is one of my favorite big classics - I mean, who doesn't love epic tales of convoluted revenge!  By the way, my love of this book is what got me started watching ABC's Revenge which was absolutely amazing for the first season.

Under the Dome by Stephen King - 1,074 pages
I was absolutely hooked on this novel and discovering the fate of the townspeople and the origins of the dome itself.  I also liked the first season "mini-series" adaptation on CBS a few years ago - of course, that's before it was dragged out over the course of three seasons.

Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell - 1,037 pages
Honestly, the only reason I read the entirely of this novel is because I was made to.  I didn't like any of the characters - and Scarlett O'Hara is one of my least favorite characters ever.  Throughout the entire novel, I was mildly irritated to say the least.

Kushiel's Dart (Kushiel's Universe #1) by Jacqueline Carey - 1,015 pages
This is the first book in a very ambitious fantasy series with plenty of conspiracies, political intrigue, and fascinating characters - also, it definitely fits the Romance with a capital R genre.  I have no idea why I haven't continued on to book two, Kushiel's Chosen.  Before I do that, I'll definitely have to reread book one.

Now check out two of the longest books on my tbr -

The Fairie Queen by Edmund Spenser - 1,248 pages
One day I will read this epic classic from 1590!

Les Misérables by Victor Hugo - 1,463 pages
I have no clue why I haven't already devoured this since I love the 1935 movie and the 2012 musical so much... one of these days I'll tackle this classic and it'll be the second longest book I've ever read!

Tag You're It (No hard feelings, if you aren't interested in doing this tag though):

Sassy @ Alternative Read
Amy @ Bursting with Books
Rissi @ Finding Wonderland
Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense
Anne @ Head Full of Books
Sam @ Tsundoku


  1. Sherlock Holmes!! I keep seeing that lovely edition every where, and I'm so tempted to buy it.

    I've seen different Count of Monte Cristo movies (and the Wishbone version ;) ), and I keep meaning to read the book. I love the story so much! Who wouldn't like revenge, right? *cough* So is ABC's Revenge based on Dumas' book?

    I want to read the last two books also! You have such good books on your list. XD

    1. Yes, you should totally get a copy!

      Ooh, yes! Thanks for reminding me about that Wishbone episode! :) I guess I'd say that it's loosely adapted but it still uses several key elements of the story.

      Thanks for coming over, Ashley.

  2. Sherlock Holmes was really long, but I am not complaining. I loved every bit of it!

    1. It helps if you break it up. But you're right, it's worth every second!

  3. What fun! Thanks for tagging me. :) This is a great question, Lauren. I love your choices.

    1. No problem! I'm looking forward to seeing your list!

  4. Oh no, my internet glitched. So sorry if this is a duplicate!

    Thanks so much for participating! :) I need to read more Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I know I've read a few Sherlock Holmes stories but I think a few of those weren't the originals.

    1. No worries!

      You definitely need to try more of the originals! Like you, I've read so many new takes on the classic!

  5. I might have to do this tag. I’ve read a lot of long books and have a few sitting on my TBR shelf. The longest books I’ve read are probably all classics or Stephen King books.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Feel free, AJ! King's books really stack up don't they! :)

  6. I love long books. Wish some of these series would be combined into one. :-)
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. I know what you mean, Sherry!

      Thanks for coming over!

  7. OK. I did it. Here is my LONGEST Books list It does not contain as mnay long books as you have!

    1. Yay! Thanks for sharing, Anne! Looks like you've got a pretty good list going though! :)

  8. Yay, thank you so much for tagging me! I'm really impressed with all the long books you've picked up. Les Miserables has been on my TBR forever, but I finally came to the realization that I probably will never pick it up. Love the musical though.

    1. No problem! I may never get there either, but I'd like to think I'll try. :)

  9. Ah I'm dying to read Sherlock Holmes and The Count of Monte Cristo! I have skim-read Les Miz, though, and I enjoyed that :) Although I prefer the musical...

    You should read War and Peace if you're looking for a really long book! I braved it last year and it's now one of my favourite books ever. So worth it.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Lauren!

    1. I hope you love them! :D

      I've realized that I'll probably never actually read War and Peace, although I did like that new miniseries. :)


  10. Thanks so much for the tag! I just posted it today. I was surprised by some of the page counts on some of my reads, if I'm being honest.

  11. What a fun tag. I'm almost "afraid" to look up my "longest" books because I am 100% a wimp when it comes to reading long books. Maybe I should spin it more as a list of the longest books I "want to read." ;)

    Thanks so much for the tag, Lauren! :)


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