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Mystery Blogger Award

Erica @ Erica Robyn Reads recently nominated me for the Mystery Blogger Award!  Thanks very much, Erica!  This award was created by Okoto Enigmas Blog.  Now, let's get to the tag!

The Rules:

1. Put the award logo/image on your blog
2. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
3. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
4. List the rules.
5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
6. Share a link to your best post(s)
7. Answer the 5 questions set to you by the person who nominated you
8. Nominate 10 – 20 people
9. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with at least one weird or funny question
10. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog

3 Things About Myself (TV Edition):

1. I'm only really watching one new show live right now - NBC's Midnight, Texas - and I'm already hooked!

2. I'm about a quarter of the way through the first season of Veronica Mars.  I've never seen it before now, but I've always heard that it's a great series so I've had to see for myself what it's all about.  So far?  I'm liking what I'm seeing!

3. I've also just started in on 11.22.63 on Hulu - it's based on one of my favorite Stephen King books.  I like the looks of the production and I'll definitely have to stick with it.

My Best Post (By The Numbers):

The Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings): Ink and Bone (The Great Library #1) by Rachel Caine - This was posted on May 26th, 2016 and it has a whopping 3,827 views as of now! Whoa!

My Answers To Erica's Questions:

1) What is the scariest/most thrilling book you've read?

This is difficult since I've read so many scary horror and thriller books, but one that's stuck with me has been You (You #1) by Carolyn Kepnes!

2) What is your favorite book to screen adaptation?

You can never go wrong with The Princess Bride - the book or the movie!

3) Do you use your local library? If so, how often?

Well, I work at my local library, so yes, I do and nearly every day!  It's a dream and it just feeds my addiction!

4) What is your current obsession (podcast, genre, youtuber, musical artist, movie, etc.)?

I've just recently finished listening to the first season on the Britcom podcast called Wooden Overcoats - I became addicted right off the bat!  Season one has eight 30-minute episodes and I can't wait to start in on season two, plus it sounds like there is going to be a third season.  I saw it on a list of podcasts for fans of Welcome to Night Vale.  I bet you'd also enjoy it if you like Fawlty Towers and The Office.  Misanthrope Rudyard Funn and his equally odd sister run the village of Piffling Vale's only (failing) funeral parlor - it's been in their family for hundreds of years.  Their motto is to "get the body in the coffin in the ground on time" no matter what.  However, their lives are turned completely upside down when a new funeral home opens up next door run by the charming Eric Chapman.  For the first time in their "professional" lives they actually have competition - and they're on the losing side of this rivalry - and Rudyard is willing to do whatever it takes to stay in business!  Basically, imagine Basil Fawlty from Fawlty Towers if he ran a funeral home...!  You can listen to the first episode here on YouTube.  Like I said, I can't wait to start season 2!

5) Who is your book blogger role model?

There are so many great book bloggers out there that I look up to, but Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense tops the list!

My Nominees:

Sam @ Tsundoku
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!
Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense
Greg @ Book Haven
Ashley G. @ [oddly novel title]
Sam @ We Live and Breathe Books
Carrie @ The Butterfly Reader
Rissi @ Finding Wonderland
Marilag @ Story and Somnomancy
AJ @ Read All The Things!
Amy @ A Magical World of Words
Lia @ Lost In A Story
Lys @ The Mad Reader

My Questions For My Nominees:

1. What has been your favorite read of 2017 so far, and why?

2. Dream cast your answer to number 1.

3. What upcoming book to movie or tv adaptation are you looking forward to the most?

4. If you could attend a dinner party with any five writers, actors, and/ or musicians, living or dead, who would be on your guest list?

5. Would you prefer to bring your favorite fictional characters into the real world, or would you rather be fictional with them?

Thanks again for the nomination, Erica!  As always thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below.


  1. I think you will enjoy the rest of Veronica Mars it's a great show. You work at a library, I'm jealous.

    1. Cool! I'm looking forward to continuing it!

      Thanks for visiting, Skye!

  2. I need to watch Veronica Mars at some point too, I've heard it's really good! And I don't know much about Midnight, Texas but it looks interesting. The Princess bride is always a good choice, too. :)

    Thanks for nominating me! Can't wait to do this one...

    1. Looking forward to your answers!

      It's a fun, new urban fantasy show - you might like it. :)

  3. Oh my gosh, I haven't seen any of the shows you mentioned in your three facts. I have some TV to get watching! :)

    Thanks so much for participating! I love all of your answers!! You've convinced me to give YOU another try. I think I just picked it up at a rough time and couldn't handle the MC.

    1. Yes, you do! I hope you like them. :)

      No problem, Erica, and thanks again! I actually listened to You on audiobook and the production is fantastic!

  4. I love it that you work in a library and think of it as a dream job!

  5. Thanks so much for the nomination, Lauren! I also loved reading your answers :)

    I was actually tagged for this a few months ago - three times - so I'm not sure if I'll do it again. But your questions are awesome, so I want to. I'll see how things go :) Thank you for thinking of me, though!

    1. No problem! :)

      Either way, I would like to see your answers!

  6. This looks super fun! I love all of your answers. :-) I haven't seen any of the shows you mentioned; I might have to check them out!
    -Amy @

  7. I hate to admit this out loud... but I've never seen The Princess Bride... I know, I know. Even my partner says I need to change that ASAP.
    Thanks for the tag <3

    1. What???? I'd love to see your thoughts on the movie Carrie! :D

  8. What a fun tag/award! What fun to read your answers, Lauren. (And Alicia is a fabulous blogger. Her space is always a great place to hang out, and she's always cool to chat with.)

    Three cheers for Veronica Mars. One of my all-time favorites. I binged that one about 4 or 5 years ago and loved it. This reminds me: I'm due for a re-watch of the show and MOVIE!

    Your questions are awesome. Thanks so much for the award! :)

    1. Yes, she truly is! :)

      I haven't had the chance to watch more yet, but I'm looking forward to continuing! :)

  9. Thanks again so much for nominating me for this (I know you already stopped by my post :) ). It was so much fun!

    Wooden Overcoats sounds really, really good! I'm adding it to my list of things to listen to when I get bored (because a straight up TBR just doesn't work anymore for me... oops).

    I still haven't read Princess Bride (I know, what's wrong with me?) but I adore the movie and intend to read it eventually.

    1. You're very welcome! :)

      You really should - I'd love to know what you think about Wooden Overcoats, Sam!

  10. Mine too! :) I'd love to know what you'd think of Wooden Overcoats, too!

    Of those, I've only read Moby Dick and Winter - I hope to try the other classics some day.


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