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Black Box Inc. by Jake Bible (ARC) - Review

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I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Ever since the extradimensional happening a decade ago, every sort of creature, monster, and fairy tale creature has shown up in Asheville, North Carolina (and every other portal location). As a result of the happening Chase Lawter is the only human who's gained the unique ability to draw material from the Dim, the space between those dimensions, and shape it into whatever he wants, but boxes are his specialty. Boxes that can be used to hide smoking guns, severed heads, and the like - and only Chase can hide them in the Dim and later recover them, if needed. Plus, Chase and his team at Black Box Inc. don't work for free. Chase's crack team at Black Box Inc. is made up of a fae-trained assassin, a brainy zombie, and a charming yeti - and together they'll get the job done for a tidy sum. There's an uneasy truce between all of the races that have come through to our world since the happening, but Chase and his team's work put them right in the center of many dangerous crosshairs.

Black Box Inc. is the first novel in a brand new series by Jake Bible and I have a feeling that this series could be amazing. If you like your urban fantasy with a lot of gritty, fast-paced action, a diverse range of supernatural creatures that you won't usually see in one story, and healthy sense of humor, you need to meet Chase, Harper, Sharon, and Lassa, the team behind Black Box Inc. Everyone gets their moment to shine, even the minor and supporting characters like Teresa, Flip, and Aspen, a banshee, a gnome, and a member of the fae. Sure, sometimes it's a little over the top, but this story is such a fun adventure. I really liked this author's take on fairies and the fae which are some of the most dangerous creatures out there, who in this case can and will lie. I also particularly enjoyed the look at the "Not Hell" dimension and "Not the Devil" character - I can't resist Depression-era gangsters!

Overall, I'm so glad I came across Jake Bible's newest release on NetGalley and managed to get approved for it. If you need a new urban fantasy series in your life, I bet you'd like this if you also like The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher and Supernatural. I will need to try more by Jake Bible and I can't for the next novel in the Black Box Inc. series to be released because there is still so much to explore.

Thanks again, NetGalley!

I read this ARC from October 13 - 19, 2017 and my review is also on Goodreads.  This novel will be released October 20, 2017.


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