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Top Ten Tuesday: New Horror Movies And TV Series I Want To See

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!  This week's topic is a Halloween freebie and I'm sharing new horror movies and tv series that I want to start in on this October to get myself in the Halloween spirit.   Here we go, in alphabetical order by title:

American Horror Story: Hotel

Don't Breathe - I actually just watched this the other day - and I really liked how it all turned out!  

The Girl With All The Gifts

Green Room

Hemlock Grove

Lucifer - I've made it through just about nearly half of season one so far, and I'm really loving it.  I can't believe I'd put it off so long before because it's so much fun!

Penny Dreadful


Split - I watched this one right after I had watched Don't Breathe - James McAvoy gives a great performance.  I'm going to have to rewatch Unbreakable for sure after that ending.

They Look Like People

Have you seen any of these movies or tv shows?  Have any horror recommendations for me?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I didn't think I would have seen anything on this list, but I had watched a season of Hemlock Grove on Netflix back when. I remember liking it. I think I was watching a lot of shows like that at the time - Being Human, Hex, Supernatural. Now, I watch a lot less TV, because they keep canceling my shows. Trust issues.

    1. I know that feeling - some of the best shows have gone by the way side!

  2. Hemlock Grove had an interesting first season, but then it started to go downhill. At least for me. I used to love American Horror Story, should continue on with that.

    Carmen / Carmen`s Reading Corner

    1. I'll have to try the first season then for sure. :)

  3. I've watched some Lucifer and have my eye on a couple upcoming TV shows. I like a lot of sitcoms and CSI type.
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. I like how CSI has the procedural element to it for sure. :)

  4. I love Lucifer, so much fun!
    My TTT:

    1. I definitely can't wait to continue on with it! :)

      Thanks for sharing!

  5. I really, really want to see Split! I was going to see it as soon as it came out but I ended up watching Hidden Figures instead. Hopefully I'll be able to watch it soon! Great list, Lauren! I'm not by any means an expert in horror movies and I've been looking to expand my repertoire so I shall live by this list :)

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

    1. I wanted to see it at the movie theater too but I ended up running out of time on it - I hope you can catch it soon!

      Happy watching!

  6. I watched the pilot of Lucifer, but haven't watched beyond that - I can definitely see how easy it'd be to get addicted though! I think this is all because of its lead actor. He's SO charming! ;)

    Probably not going to watch Split (because it looks like not-my-kind-of-flick), but James is an excellent actor! Started watching Victor Frankenstein the other day, and I love him in Penelope. :)

    1. It is really addicting and a lot of fun! I've seen the actor in several different shows and he always gives a great performance. :)

      Victor Frankenstein was pretty fun too - and Penelope was too! :)

  7. Hi! I haven't seen Penny Dreadful, but I have the others, although not finished American Horror Story! Split was good. I loved that whole split personality idea and how that can transpire... :)

    1. After watching Split, I totally want to rewatch Unbreakable. How much have you seen on AHS? :)

  8. The Girl with All the Gifts seems super interesting. I'm on such a fence with AHS. I really liked season 1 and 3, but I found it really easy to stop watching the other seasons.

    1. I came into AHS really late - a friend of mind recommended it to me and I jumped into season 1 - which I think was my favorite. :)

  9. I never got into American Horror Story, but I've been wanting to give it another shot. The Girl With All the Gifts is a really good adaptation.

    1. If you haven't tried season 3, you'll definitely want to try that one - it's about witches! :)

  10. Wow, I really want to watch all of these. I'm frightfully behind with my TV watching!

  11. I love spooky stuff, but I’m so bad at seeing movies and watching TV. I’m always behind on all the shows.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I usually am too - I'm glad I can catch up all at once by watching episodes back to back (when I have the time).

  12. Lauren, what a great Halloween inspired list! I have not seen any of these but the Green Room looks so good! I was happy to see the trailers! I'm more into Korean dramas so... *shrug*

    I love top 10 Tuesday... Here is my post if you're interested in my choices <3

    1. I've been wanting to try more Korean dramas - I'm definitely out of the loop in that genre.

      Thanks for sharing, Dani!

  13. Oh my gosh, McAvoy was AMAZING in Split!!


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