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Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Novellas

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the first Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Favorite Novellas/ Short Stories.  Since I've just recently discussed some of my favorite short story collections, I'm focusing on novellas this time around.  Here we go, in alphabetical order by title:

Animals Farm by George Orwell

The Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole

Every Heart A Doorway by Seanan McGuire

Fairest by Marissa Meyer

The House On Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

The Mist by Stephen King

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson

The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells

Have you read any of these novellas?  What are some of your favorite novellas and short stories?  As always, thanks very much for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. ...and here I am, still the girl who hasn't read ANY of the Lunar Chronicles. Perhaps I should make them a priority in 2019. ;)

    1. What? They're so good - I bet you'd enjoy them! :)

  2. Ooh Fairest is a good choice. I loved that book.My TTT

    1. It was such a cool look into Levana's character, wasn't it? :)

  3. OK. I feel better. I actually have read a few novellas, I just couldn't think of any. So my list is made up of short stories. I didn't like FAIREST. It really was damning evidence against Lavona. I've meant to read EVERY HEART A DOORWAY but forgot until I saw the book on your list. Love HOUSE ON MANGO STREET.

    1. Every Heart a Doorway fantastic, especially on audio. Hope you like it, Anne!

  4. Every Heart A Doorway looks really good. I've already seen it on a few lists too, it looks to be popular pick. Must be good! And I do want to read War of the Worlds (and maybe Time Machine too) by HG Wells.

    1. Yes, it's especially great on audiobook as well. :)

  5. I guess I don't remember Animal Farm being that short, but I do remember it being one of the required reading books I liked.

    1. Some of these I didn't realize were as short until I actually looked them up either...

  6. The Mist was so good! Although I didnt like the TV series at all (or was it a movie?). Great list!

    1. I really like the movie version, but I haven't seen the show yet.

      Thanks for coming over, Tammy!

  7. The Mist is a good choice. That's one of my favourite Stephen King stories.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  8. I thought Fairest was a novel, it's over 200pages, barely. Well, it's still a great read! I went with the novella bind up by Marissa Meyer
    My TTT: Marie @ Pages to Explore

    1. I should have thought to include that on my list... Thanks for sharing, Marie. :)

  9. War of the Worlds is a book that I kind of... didn't realise was a novella? It is the right length though... I still haven't read it. I should do a classic sci fi read at some point... to you have any must-read classic sci fi?

    1. Kindred by Octavia Butler and The Handmaid's Tale jump to mind right away. :)

  10. I desperately, desperately need to read Every Heart a Doorway and that whole series (and actually everything by that author has been on my TBR for... forever actually). Great list!

    1. I still need to get to the rest of the sequel myself. :)

  11. I have Every Heart a Doorway from the library but haven't had a chance to read it yet. I hear lots of good things!

    1. It's so great - I hope you have the chance to pick it up! :)

  12. Great list! The Mist is one of the Stephen King books that I still need to read. My mom was creeped out by it a million years ago and still talks about it.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. It is definitely creepy - the audiobook production is epic. :)

  13. I thought Fairest was great! Such a great companion to the main books in the series. I really should read The Mist -- I love King but haven't read that one yet. Great list!

    1. I thought so too. Hope you enjoy the Mist when you get the chance to try it! :)

  14. I saw the movie The Mist a long time ago, but I never read the short story. Or any of the other ones on your list (although I've heard of Animal Farm). This week's topic is interesting. So many people have so many different choices.

    1. The movie adaptation of The Mist made me want to try the story. :) Thanks for coming over, Brooke.

  15. The house on Mango Street has a fantastic cover! I didn't know Mist was a novella. I just might give it a try. ☺

  16. Oooh I must read Every Heart a Doorway- I even own it I think? Also, I own Fairest but I am not caught up at all on that series, oops! I think the only one I have read from your list is Animal Farm, and I hardly remember it since it was many years ago. I also saw The Mist movie, and I assume the book is better so I should check that one out too! Great picks!!

    1. I can barely remember it either, but I remember enjoying it at the time! :)

      The Mist was actually a really good adaptation - I was impressed.

  17. I've been meaning to read Every Heart A Doorway for so long, I must get onto it! Great list.

    1. I'll have to catch up on the series -I loved book one.


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