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Summer 2018 Comment Challenge - August Sign-Up Post

This August I will be participating in the final month of the Summer 2018 Comment Challenge, hosted by Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense and Lonna @ FLYLēF.  This will be my fourth season participating in the challenge - Summer 2016, Winter 2017, Summer 2017, and Summer 2018.  So far this season I've been paired with Michelle @ Pink Polka Dot Books and Erica @ Erica Robyn Reads - feel free to stop by their blogs because both are great.  If you haven't taken part in this challenge before, it would be perfect for you if you love comments (and commenting) and making new blogging buddies.  For each month that you sign up, you will get paired up with a blogger (a different one for each month - if you sign up for more than one) and you will engage with them by commenting on either 5+ or 10+ of their posts for the month.  It's a brilliant way to reach out to new blogs, make connections (and get your comment activity up at the same time)!  There's even a social media option to connect further with your partner which I plan on taking advantage of on Twitter using the hashtag #Summer18CC.  In short, I'm going to be just as ambitious in August by commenting 10+ times with my to be announced partner - I can't wait to "meet" you!


  1. Yay, welcome back! I just checked to make sure you're on the list just in case. Hope you enjoy getting to know your partner in August! 💕💕

    1. Thanks Alicia! :) Good, I'm glad it worked this time.

  2. I am participating right now and have signed up for next month. I love it. ☺


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