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Top Ten Tuesday: Books With Sensory Reading Memories

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the first Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Books With Sensory Reading Memories (where I was, what time of year it was, who I was with, what I was eating, etc.) which was submitted as a topic by Jessica @ A Cocoon of Books.  Here we go, in no particular order:

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling - I took this with me on a family vacation in 2002 to Virginia.  It got so hot that the spine glue melted - I still have that copy, at least I can say it looks unique and well loved!

The Final Descent by Rick Yancey - I have no idea why I remember this, but I can remember eating White Castle cheeseburgers and onion chips back when I was reading this.

The Cat Who Knew Shakespeare by Lilian Jackson Braun - Technically, this is just before I started reading it, but when I bought it at a yard sale the original owner talked to me about how much she loved the series.

Up The Down Staircase by Bel Kaufman - A friend of mine was in a production of this and at his urging I picked up a copy.

Slashback by Rob Thurman - I was reading this eighth installment of the Cal Leandros series on a trip to Ohio Amish Country - we even went to Heini's Cheese Chalet which has some of the best cheese.

Libriomancer by Jim C. Hines - I picked this up at the Island Bookstore on Mackinac Island.  The cashier mistook me for a college student who lives on the island.  I guess I have a clone out there somewhere!

Scowler by Daniel Kraus - I listened to this on audio - if you don't know it's a really dark and intense story.  For some reason I decided it would be a good idea to listen in an empty room in the dark.  Definitely a mistake on my part!

Black Ice by Becca Fitzpatrick - I was listening to this on audio at work while I was digitizing 1930s traffic reports of Akron, Ohio - let's just say that 1930s Akron was a dangerous time to be alive.

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte - I listened to this entire classic on audio while biking on my favorite bike path over the course of a couple weeks.

Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson - I listened to this magnificent 18 cassette long audiobook while driving to work in my old car.

What are some of your sensory reading memories?  Have you read any of the books on my list?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Ooh Mackinac Island- nice! I've been to that bookstore. :)

    1. Cool! Most people I talk to have no clue where Mackinac Island is let alone that there's even a bookstore. :)

  2. Now that I am seeing people's list, maybe I could have done this one. hmmm. Anyhow, lots of HP (as always)

    1. It took me a lot longer to put this one together that is for sure. I'm not surprised about HP! :)

  3. That poor Harry Potter book! I love that you still have it though!

  4. Never read Jane Eyre but I do love the film adaptations and I've seen this one on a few lists today. :)

    1. They're are some pretty great adaptations out there.

      Thanks for coming over Rissi. :)

  5. I didn't know it could get to hot that spine glue could melt. My copy of HP1 is a paperback with all kinds of creases on the spine. It was before keeping my books in good condition was of any kind of importance.

    1. I left it in the car for a few hours and it was really hot... I had no clue that could happen either! Shows they've been loved! :)

  6. I remember my HP half-blood prince started falling apart in my hands as I was reading it. I live in a hot/humid climate & the glue didn't even get to set before they sent it out to shops!

    1. Ouch! In the summer my area can get really humid - we've been kind of lucky this year though.

  7. My copy of An Abundance of Katherines also had the spine glue melt from being left in a car!

  8. Harry Potter was on my list too! Melted spine glue sounds like an experience, I don't think I've ever had that happen to me before...

    1. It was so hot and humid for it to happened, plus it was in a car so that just sped things up for it.

  9. I read a bunch of The Cat Who series too, they were recommended to me by a librarian I used to work with when I was a teenager.

    1. Huh! Personally, I think I prefer the earlier books in the series. :)

  10. Great list! I bet a lot of us should have HP on our lists this week! :D

  11. Thesea are such lovely memories -- and you've reminded me of the Cal Leandros series AND Libriomancer one -- need to get back to those!

    1. Yes! I need to get back to into the Libriomancer series as well. :)

  12. Haha! That poor Harry Potter book! I've never heard of it being hot enough to melt a book spine, that's really impressive. 😆 But then again, I live in Scotland so...
    Omg! Libriomancer! I read that back when it was just two books, and loved it. I really need to get back into the series.😄 I never see anyone talking about it though -- I'm so glad to see someone else that enjoyed it.

    1. It was left in the car for a little while and that totally did it in. Once it cooled back down with the ac it started to try again but yeah it's kind of lopsided...

  13. This was so fun to read!! Isn’t it funny how you sometimes have the most random memories of certain things, like eating White Castle or on a trip to Amish Country? 😄 I think it’s so fun that you listened to Jane Eyre on your bike rides. What a great way to encourage yourself to get your exercise in, so you can find out how the book ends. ☺️

    1. I love listening to audio books or music while I'm biking. :)

  14. It's so fun to look back at bookish memories!

  15. This is an awesome list!! Jane Eyre is my FAVORITE book, but I've never listened to the audio of it before! I'll have to do that soon because you have me curious now. Biking and listening to Jane Eyre sounds wonderful!

    1. I actually listened to the Librivox audiobook version and it was really cool to hear it that way. :)

  16. I did not know there was a bookstore on the Island...then again I haven't been since I was a kid! And wow, I don't even know what a melted spine looks like!

    1. It's a cool place to visit that's for sure. I've been to the island a couple times and they were a fantastic experience.

  17. Oooh I'll have to check a few of these out. Libriomancer looks good as does scowler.

  18. I don't do too many audiobooks, but I did listen to The Great Influenza while walking in my backyard. I guess audiobooks are good for exercising because how else will you keep your mind occupied?

    And listening to a scary story in the dark by yourself... probably not a good thing. You were brave to do it.

    1. I also like listening to them when I'm driving as well. :)

      It was so intense!

  19. I have a memory of one of the HP books, although I didn't read it. My husband did all throughout Yellowstone NP. Anytime we stopped somewhere, out that book came. LOL!


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