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Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Villains

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Villains (favorite, best, worst, lovable, creepiest, most evil, etc.) - I'm sharing some of my favorite villains (but perhaps are not villains in the traditional sense and may even be the protagonist).  Here we go, in order by book title:

Queen Levana - Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Holland Vosijk - A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

President Snow - The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

The Gentleman with the Thistledown Hair - Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clark

Count Olaf - A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket

Kaz Brekker - Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

Victor Vale and Eli Ever - Vicious by V.E. Schwab

Joe - You by Caroline Kepnes

Adelina Amouteru - The Young Elites by Marie Lu

Who are some of your favorite villains?  As always, thanks very much for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I neglected to add President Snow to my list!! Though I think he was on a list from a previous year. He's definitely a "good" YA villain and perfect for this list. :)

  2. Oh my gosh President Snow- GOOD one. He was so bad! And Victor/ Eli I'm learning all about playing The Bookish Games haha!

  3. Count Olaf is such a good one! I don't know why I didn't think of him. Wonderful list. My TTT

  4. Adelina made my list this week as well. President Snow was a great villain too.

    1. Both were fantastic.
      Thanks for visiting my blog, Brooke.

  5. Ooh excellent list! Kaz almost made mine too, he's such a grey character.
    Cora |

  6. Adelina made my list. The ending Lu gave her was bittersweet for me - I totally cried. Kaz is definitely one I cheered for too. He was a criminal, but he was also super protective of those he loved.

  7. Great list, I don't think I've seen President Snow on any lists yet, he's definitely a good choice!

  8. So many great villains on your list!
    My TTT:

  9. Queen Levana and President Snow are great choices! Kaz is definitely a wonderfully complex character. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  10. Ooh definitely Queen Levana and President Snow. I'd put Holland on my list too, though he's a villian I kind of love because he's so morally gray, as are Victor and Eli, though I like Victor much, much more. LOL


  11. Brekker 😍 I love him even though I'm not sure I should trust him. Levana made my list as did Adelina. Love them both. Great list!

    Here is our TTT.

    1. He's fascinating, but I doubt I could really trust him either! :)

  12. Levana is such a great villain. I really enjoyed the novella that features her story. Great list!

    1. I really liked it more than I expected to - thanks for coming over, Alicia!

  13. I am not usually one who likes Villians, but oh man, did Holland throw me for a loop! He was a bad guy but he had such a tragic backstory and he never wanted to be the bad guy!!!!

  14. Count Olaf is a villain I like for sure, but my favorite villain of all time is Cathy Ames from East of Eden by John Steinbeck.

    1. I haven't read East of Eden, but I have seen the movie...

  15. Vicious made my list, too! I love those guys. I’d never want to meet them in real life, but they’re fun to read about.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Definitely wouldn't want to meet them in real life either!

  16. So many great books! President Snow and Count Olaf made my list as well!

    My Top Ten Tuesday post

  17. The only one I've read was The Hunger Games, but Snow is a great villain.

  18. Count Olaf. S.s.s.s What a villain...preying on children. Bah! My TTT Since I've done this TTT two other times I decided to list heroes/heroines.

  19. I love a great villain and your list is so fantastic! Cinder is probably one of my absolute favourites. Thanks for sharing these! :)

  20. Fabulous list! I was traveling this week and so didn't get to do this topic, but if I had, almost all of your favorite villains would have made my list as well.


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