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To Ten Tuesday: Authors I’d Love to Meet

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Authors I’d Love to Meet.  This was a difficult one to narrow down, but I decided to focus on classic authors that I wish I could have had the opportunity to meet if they were all still alive.

Charlotte Bronte

Lord Byron

Lewis Carroll

Arthur Conan Doyle

Daphne du Maurier

Edgar Allan Poe

Mary Shelley

Bram Stoker

J.R.R. Tolkien

Oscar Wilde

What authors would you like to meet, living or dead?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I like how you went with classics! Tolkien for sure, and Lord Byron. Wow, good choice. I would think Daphne du Maurier would be amazing too.

    1. They would be so fascinating to meet wouldn't they? :)

  2. Such a fun twist, Lauren. I don't read classic lit (though someday I should give it another chance), but I do admire so many of the stories these authors wrote (and as BBC productions they're gorgeous).

    1. There are some that I really appreciate for sure - and some of those adaptations are great.

  3. I would totally want to meet the Brontes and Tolkien, but most of all, how cool would it be to meet Shelley on that trip where Frankenstein came into being. Really fun list!
    Dani @ The Restricted Section

  4. Ooh I love your list!
    Cora |

  5. I would love to meet Tolkien and Wilde as well. (Even if my love for Wilde was inspired by Morrissey.)

  6. Yes, would love to meet Wilde and Shelley!

  7. This was a cool twist on the topic😁 Out of this group I think I'd like to meet Mary Shelley the most, she was such a pioneer!

  8. I had a momentary mental image of them all in a room together and not going to lie... it was a little bit terrifying.

  9. This list is fantastic! I'd love to meet Mary Shelley, Edgar Allan Poe, and Oscar Wilde!

  10. Love that you listed classic authors for your TTT post this week!

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:

  11. Great list! I'd like to meet several of the authors on your list, but I also added Anne McCaffrey to mine.

  12. Love your list :) Lewis Carrol would be on my list!

  13. I would like to sit down with Tolkien and Lewis, for sure. Charlotte Bronte would be fun as well.

    This is such a great idea for this week's topic!

    1. It would certainly be an amazing experience. Thanks for coming over, Jaime.

  14. These would all be awesome to meet. Tolkien was on my list, but I'd love to meet any of the others as well.

  15. This is an amazing list! I wish I got to meet these authors too! How I wish!

    Raya @

  16. Ooh I like that you went with the classics! It's so hard to imagine what they would actually be like, but that makes me all the more curious

  17. I never thought of doing authors that are no longer with us! Great list. I agree with them completely!

  18. I love that you selected classic authors! I realized at the end of my post all the authors I selected are still alive; I definitely should do a second post with authors who are no longer with us. Other that the majority of your list, I'd love to sit with Jane Austen and e.e. cummings.

  19. JRR Tolkien would definitely be an interesting person to meet! And definitely the Bronte sisters too!!

  20. Oooh Lewis Carroll would be so interesting!! This is such a great list!


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