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The Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings): Something Strange and Deadly (Something Strange and Deadly #1) by Susan Dennard + 50/50 Friday

On Friday's I take part in three weekly link ups - The Friday 56, hosted by Freda's Voice, Book Beginnings, hosted by Rose City Reader, and 50/50 Friday is a new weekly link up and it is hosted by Carrie @ The Butterfly Reader and Laura @ Blue Eye Books. For The Friday 56, you choose a book, a book you have just finished, a book you are about to start, your current read, and share a line or a few lines that grab you (but don't spoil anything) from page 56 or 56% of the way through the ebook. Post it and share your post's url on Freda's most recent Friday 56 post. As for Book Beginnings, you share the first sentence or so and your initial thoughts, impressions, or whatever else it inspires, and then link up your post's url with Rose City Reader. Then, for 50/50 Friday, every week there's a new topic featuring two sides of the same coin - you share a book that suits each category and link up on the hosts blogs.

This week I'm spotlighting my current read, Something Strange and Deadly (Something Strange and Deadly #1) by Susan Dennard, which is my first FraterFest Read-A-Thon hosted by the Caffeinated Reviewer read.  All I had to do was was hear steampunk and zombies to want to give this one a try - and so far I'm enjoying it.


"Dead!" A woman screamed.  "It's the Dead!"


He folded his arms over his chest.  "You've ruined my experiment."

50/50 Friday: Favorite/ Least Favorite Black Cover Design

Favorite - There are a lot of great black book cover designs, but one of my favorites is easily the design for The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.

Least Favorite - I adore this book, but this cover of To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a nightmare.

Have you read any of these books?  Are you taking part in this readathon?  What are you reading this weekend?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Ha ha, I've never seen that cover of To Kill a Mockingbird! It is AWFUL😁

  2. Thanks for sharing...Something Strange and Deadly looks tempting.

    I am not a fan of that To Kill a Mockingbird cover!

    Here's mine: “AN ANONYMOUS GIRL”

    1. It was pretty great! I don't blame you on that cover.

      Thanks for sharing!

  3. The Hunger Games is such a beautiful book and I couldn't agree more!

    Thanks for linking up!

  4. Wow, never seen the black cover for To Kill A Mockingbird before!! I don't like it either.

    Here's a link to my 50/50 Friday post:

    Happy reading!

  5. Steampunk, yes! Zombies, no! I hope you are enjoying the book. This week I am featuring A Murder By Any Name by Suzanne M. Wolfe from my review stack. Happy reading!

    1. It was pretty great actually. ;)

      Thanks for sharing!

  6. LOVE that cover! the beginning pulled me in and the 56 was quite ominous. Happy weekend!

    1. It's a wonderful read. Thanks for coming over, Freda! Hope you have a good one. :)

  7. I'm not sure about the book. I'm really careful about Halloweenish reads as they can stray too far into horror for my liking. I've never seen that cover for To Kill a Mockingbird. And I agree it's awful. See what book MK is featuring at Girl Who Reads

    1. It does have some of more horror moments....
      Thanks for sharing!

  8. What is that cover for To Kill a Mockingbird?

  9. Something Strange and Deadly looks really good.

  10. Actually, I was admiring the awesome cover for Something Strange and Deadly before I even saw the cover challenge bit. I can see why your thought the Mockingbird cover was a joke. What was the designer thinking?

  11. I like the cover on SOMETHING STRANGE. I do NOT like the cover on TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD.

    Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my blog.

  12. Oooh! I've been wanting to read something by Susan Dennard for ages! This one looks fab!

  13. Something Strange and Deadly has been on my TBR list for awhile now and I somehow completely forgot about it. How did that happen? It sounds like an awesome one. I definitely need find the time to read it. Thanks for sharing! Hope you have a great weekend! :)

  14. I read Something Strange and Deadly years and years ago. It was decent. I definitely like her Witchlands series more, though they are not Halloween-esque. Hope you enjoy the rest of this one.

    1. I'm definitely going to have to continue both of her series soon. :)

  15. Oooh! I hope that you enjoy SS&D! I think that it is perfect for this time of year. That To Kill a Mockingbird cover isn't my favourite, but it is certainly interesting. Thanks for sharing these! :)

  16. Okay yeah I'm really confused by the cover of TKAM. I just don't understand where that bird is coming from... Was it drawn by one Atticus' children? While it is a symbolic element in the book (hence the name) I feel like they could have done much better. Thanks for linking up, Lauren!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks


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