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Top Ten Tuesday: Libraries And Bookstores I'd Love To Visit In Ohio

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Libraries/ Bookstores I'd Love To Visit - I've narrowed it down a bit to Libraries And Bookstores I'd Love To Visit In Ohio.  Without further ado, here are libraries (any branch, if applicable) and bookstores that I'd love to visit some day:


Cleveland Public Library
Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County
Cuyahoga County Public Library
Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum - Columbus
Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Library - Fremont
McKinley Presidential Library and Museum - Canton (I've been to the site and have seen the memorial, but the library and museum wasn't open at the time.)
National First Ladies Library - Canton


Gramercy Books - Bexley
Loganberry Books - Shaker Heights
The Learned Owl Book Shop - Hudson

Have you visited any of the locations on my list?  What bookstores and libraries would you like to visit?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I don't see the inside of any bookstore that isn't B&N. Basically. I've been to some outlet bookstores, but for the most part, it's B&N because that's what's closest. Still, someday the idea of visiting some famous and cool stores is fun. Hope you can see all of these places, Lauren! :)

    1. I do love checking out B&N, but it's a bit farther away from me luckily though I do have a couple of New/ used local bookstore near me. :)

  2. I've been to the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County. It's a cool one; I love that they have a shop and you can buy used books and other fun items. :)


  3. Ooo I've never been to a presidential library. I'm really hoping that Obama's gets built in Chicago!

  4. Nice list! I love visiting independent bookstores and wondering what I'll find there. I hope you get a chance to visit these! Here is my Top Ten Tuesday

  5. The Learned Owl... I love that name!

  6. Amazing list of places to visit!

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:

  7. I just looked up Gramercy Books and it looks like a lovely place to visit. It looks big, but there is something homey about it as well.

  8. Fab list :)
    I haven't visited any of these.
    Cora |


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