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Top Ten Tuesday: Horror Movies I Have Watched & Plan To Watch This Season

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is a Halloween/ Creepy Freebie - and I'm sharing Horror Movies I Have Watched & Plan To Watch This Season.  Before this year, I'd never seen any of these classic horror movies.  Here we go, in order by title (linked to the Letterboxd page and/ or my Letterboxd review):


An American Werewolf in London (1981)

Blade (1998)

Shutter (2004)

Re-Animator (1985)

To Watch:

Donnie Darko (2001)

Cronos (1993)

Jacob's Ladder (1990)

Tales from the Crypt (1972)

They Live (1988)

What movies are you watching to get in the mood for the season?  Have you watched any of these movies?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Great list! A part of me wants to watch Nightmare on Elm Street, but another part of me likes being asleep too much to freak myself out that much.

  2. I'm not big on horror, but I love Donnie Darko.

  3. An American Werewolf is one of my favorites, I rewatch it every now and then and I still jump at certain parts during the movie! Great list😁

  4. I haven't watched any of these, but I DO keep meaning to check out Donnie Darko.


  5. Ooh I love Shutter, it's one of my favourites to have on when I'm in a horror mood. Even if the remake is a bit naff.
    Cora |

  6. I haven't seen Blade in years, but seeing it one your list makes me want to check it out again. Hope you get to all the ones on your to-watch section!

  7. I like your spin on this. Something different for us book lovers. Happy Halloween!

  8. I’ll have to see what’s free on my TV. I know I want to watch something spooky tomorrow.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. It's always fun to see what you can stumble upon. 😊

  9. Tales From the Crypt! I read those and used to watch them on HBO (I think) in the 80s. There was an adaption sometime around the same time too. I loved that show.

    1. I used to watch the show's - I had no idea there was a movie until recently.

  10. Oh my gosh- They Live is a trip! And An American Werewolf in London- I hardly remember, I ought to give that a watch too!

    1. I hope you like it! I'm still waiting on They Live.

  11. I've been wanting to watch An American Werewolf in London for a while but I always thought it would be too scary for me. But I did watch John Carpenter's The Thing recently and made it out okay if just a little shaken up, so maybe I can handle Werewolf.


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