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Top Ten Tuesday: Outrageous B-Movies I've Seen On Svengoolie

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Outrageous Things I’ve Done for the Love of Books (i.e. skip meals, camped outside a bookstore, broke up with someone because they don’t like books, etc. – submitted by Aggie’s Amygdala).  I'm doing something a bit different this week since I can't really come up with anything aside from stay up late.  Anyway, I'm sharing some Outrageous B-Movies I've Seen On Svengoolie.  If you follow me on Twitter, you'll know that I like to tweet along with the show on MeTV.  Sometimes they'll play something really awesome, but then other times you'll get something really ridiculous and the tweets really make the whole thing better.  Here we go, in alphabetical order by title:

The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T (1953) - This is the only time Dr. Seuss wrote for a live action film and it is just about as deranged and nightmarish as you would expect - those finger hats are kind of weird.  Actually, I'd probably be addicted to it if I were the age of the kids in the movie.

Barracuda (1978) - For a movie with this name, there aren't nearly enough barracudas...

The Brain That Wouldn't Die (1962) - I can't resist this one - just one question though, how does she develop ESP?  Seriously, though, there'd be no story here if Jan would have just wore her seat belt.

The Car (1977) - The titular car is possessed and runs people down - plus, it must really hate french horns and bicycles.  Also James Brolin is in this and the car itself was specially built for the movie by the people behind the Batmobile.

Curucu, Beast of the Amazon (1956) - This movie is probably the most unintentionally hilarious of everything on this list - seriously the villain looks like Toucan Sam and the whole movie budget went into that one costume.

The Mole People (1956) - This is really cheesy, but it's really imaginative and should have had a bigger budget.  By the way, Ward Cleaver is in it!

Motel Hell (1980) - This is more of a horror comedy and it kind of parody's 1970s slasher movies.  It's about Farmer Vincent and his wife who make smoked meat snacks and their stock is the people who stay in their motel called Motel Hello (with the "o" burned out).  You need to scene when they are doing the harvesting with the tractor.

Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964) - This doesn't even rate as so bad it's good - more like how did this even get made.  That said, you still need to see this to believe it.

Son of Godzilla (1967) - Okay, I just have to say it - the son of Godzilla looks like a cross between Baby from Dinosaurs and Thomas the Tank Engine!

Sssssss (1973) - Pre-Battlestar Galactica and The A-Team's Dirk Benedict plays a college student who works for a scientist and the scientist is trying to come up with a way to turn people into snakes.  Unbeknownst to him, he's one of the guinea pigs in the experiment.  To be honest, I'd actually like to see a sequel after that cliffhanger ending.  Also for the title, you can't just say it, you have to hiss it.

Have you seen any of these movies, or have you ever watched Svengoolie?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Ha I love this! And oh my gosh Son of Godzilla is awesome (and I don't mean the movie, because I'm not even sure I've seen it, but just him in general) haha! Those smoke rings!

    1. Thanks for coming over, Greg! It's a lot of silly fun. :)

  2. These look so brilliantly bizarre. I'll have to check some of them out!

  3. I think the only one I've seen is The Brain that Wouldn't Die, but some of these titles are so funny I'm curious to check them out😁

  4. I loved your take on the theme this week! I haven't seen any of these movies. My post -

    1. Thanks for visiting. I had a lot of putting it together. :D

  5. Great list. Some of these look pretty awesome.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  6. The Brain That Wouldn't Die does sound interesting!

    1. Of all of them that's one you definitely have to see. :)

  7. I have never heard of any of these. I think the closest I got was the Son of Godzilla, because I used to watch all those movies back in the day - The Blob, Godzilla, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, etc. Sometimes cheese is good.

  8. I always see you tweeting about this. Looks like it could be a lot of fun even when the movie isn't that great.

    1. It is a lot of fun chatting with everybody. I've missed out the last few Saturdays though due to work.

  9. I haven't seen any of these, but the ones from the '80s look like some of the covers of videos you'd see at Blockbuster (or before that, the independent video stores) you'd see from back in the day.

  10. I love this twist/topic! I haven't seen a lot of these (I'm really bad at watching movies for one reason or another) but UHHHH, I want to see a lot of them now?! Haha

    1. Yay! I'm glad I piqued your interest, Jessica. :)

  11. I've never seen any of these movies, but this was a really neat twist on the topic! I will confess, though, that watching bad disaster movies is kind of my thing. xD

  12. That last one CREEPS me out just by its promo art. *shudder*

    Thanks so much for the visit to Finding Wonderland last week, Lauren. :)


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