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Top Ten Tuesday: Book Characters I’d Love to Be Besties With

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Book Characters I’d Love to Be Besties With (submitted by Michelle @ Pink Polka Dot Blog).  I had a hard enough time narrowing it down to individuals, so I went with friend groups.  Here we go, in alphabetical order by characters:

Blue Sargent and The Raven Boys from The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater - Who wouldn't want to be friends with this group - imagine the adventures and the banter.

The Doctor and Donna Noble from The Tenth Doctor Adventures - The Doctor and and Donna are hands down my favorite TARDIS team!

Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee from The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien - Honestly, I couldn't have listed almost anyone from this series, but I have a feeling these two would be the best friends you could ever want.

The Golden Trio from the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling - How could I not include Harry, Ron, and Hermione?

Inigo and Fezzick from The Princess Bride by William Goldman - These are hands down the best characters from this book (and movie adaptation).  Who wouldn't want to go on adventures with them?

Locke Lamora and Jean Tannen from The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch - Who am I kidding? I'd like to be one of their team to be honest.

Marty McFly and Doc Brown from Back to the Future - Yes, I know this started off as a movie, but I just recently read William's Shakespeare's Get Thee... Back to the Future by Ian Doescher which absolutely awesome.  I'd love to go on some time travelling adventures with these two!

Parzival and Aech from Ready Player One by Ernest Cline - Virtual friends can be some of the best, right?  And who wouldn't want to explore the OASIS with them?

Scott Lang and Thor - Of everyone from the MCU, these are the two I'd want to be best friends with.

Sherlock Holmes and John Watson from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle - Obviously, I'd want to help solve crimes alongside the best consulting detective and his biographer.

What fictional characters do you want to be best friends with?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Love all of the (good) MCU characters and to be honest, don't know who I would pick! That said, I do love Scott's great humor and how he is with his daughter. Thor's a favorite, too! Ooh, and who doesn't love Sherlock and Dr. Watson!?

  2. Inigo and Fezzick! Love them! And Ant-Man and Thor- totally yes. They'd be the best.

  3. Great list! I love Locke and Jean, and the Doctor and Donna's friendship was SO GOOD.

  4. I love that you mixed in some fabulous movie characters too. Doc is so weird and lovable. Blue would be a cool friend to have too. Just getting to hang out in her home would be an experience.

    1. Very true about Blue - 300 Fox Way would be so cool. :)

  5. I love your list! Yeah, picking friend groups was a great idea for this week's prompt.

    My TTT.

  6. Love this! And I love that you included Marty McFly and Doc Brown. They would be a blast to hang with😁

  7. You hit so many of my favorites, especially Inigo, Fezzik, and Westley! But you won me over with Scott Lang, mostly because I'm a tiny bit obsessed with Paul Rudd. :D

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  8. Frodo and Sam for sure would make some awesome friends. Plus, hobbits just know how to live their best lives and throw the best parties. How can you not want to be a part of that? Oooh, Thor's a good one, too. It seems like it'd be a lot of work being his friend, though. xD And Sherlock and Holmes sound like lots of fun, too. Oh, the mysteries! Great choices!

    1. That is the best life! :)

      Thanks for coming over, Sammie!

  9. fun post and i do see a couple of familiar 'friends'
    sherry @ fundinmental

  10. You have some classics on here and some I don't know. I had fun read it. Here is my post

  11. Hermione and Ron are a must for me! I never would have thought of Inigo and Fezzick but now that you pointed them out I would love to be friends with them <3 Great list!

  12. YES, YES, YES to literally all of these but ESPECIALLY to The Doctor and Donna Noble. They're one of my favourite doctor and companion friendships!! I love them so much. They're just so hilarious and ugh, I just love them.

  13. Virtual friends are awesome! And Blue would be a great friend too.

  14. OMG your list is amazing!! And DOnna and the Doctor my heart is breaking!!!!

    1. Thanks! Donna and the Doctor were just the best together... T_T

  15. Great list! I feel like it's impossible to not want to be friends with anyone from Harry Potter.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  16. Frodo and Sam forever! The hobbits made my list, too.

  17. Great list! I think any of the main hobbits (Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, and Bilbo) would make great friends.


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