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Top Ten Tuesday: Spring 2020 TBR

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Spring 2020 TBR.  Check out books I plan on reading for the months of April and May:


I am Malala: The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up For Education and Was Shot by the Taliban by Malala Yousafzai and Christina Lamb - I've been meaning to read this for ages, and Book Riot's Read Harder Challenge give me the perfect opportunity.

Queer, There, and Everywhere: 23 People Who Changed the World by Sarah Prager - I've had this on my radar for awhile at the library, so Book Riot's Read Harder Challenge is finally giving me a perfect excuse to pick it up.

Shorefall (Founders #2) by Robert Jackson Bennett - I managed to get approved for an ARC of this sequel via NetGalley and I'm so excited to get to it!

The Saturday Night Ghost Club by Craig Davidson - I'll be reading this for the 2020 Popsugar Reading Challenge and to be honest all I had to hear was Stranger Things meets Stand By Me.

Titan's Day (The Carter Archives #2) by Dan Stout - I cannot adequately express just how excited I am for this sequel.  After all, book one was one of my favorite books of 2019.


Pride by Ibi Zoboi - I was really impressed with American Street so I'm really intrigued by what she's going to do with this Pride and Prejudice retelling and luckily this is one of my upcoming Book Riot's Read Harder Challenge reads.

Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid - I loved The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo and I can't wait to finally read this and it's also an upcoming read for Book Riot's Read Harder Challenge.

Westside Saints (Westside #2) by W.M. Akers - Book one of this series was one of my favorites and I also lucked out and received an ARC from NetGalley for this sequel.  I'm dying to see where it goes.

It by Stephen King - I'm finally going to take the plunge for the 2020 Popsugar Reading Challenge.

Deal with the Devil (Mercenary Librarians #1) by Kit Rocha - I don't know about you, but this sounds awesome.  It is described as Orphan Black meets a post-apocalyptic Avengers after all.

What books are you looking forward to this Spring?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I have Daisy Jones and the Six that I really hope to read soon!!!


  2. Great list!! I loved The Saturday Night Ghost Club😁 And Shorefall and Titan's day will be on my list in a couple of weeks.

    1. Thanks! Good to know! Good luck with Shorefall and Titan's Day. :)

  3. I Am Malala was such a good read.

    My TTT .

  4. Ahh I hope you enjoy Shorefall! I'm very jealous, I can't wait for that one. I really want to try the audiobook of Daisy Jones & The Six. Great list!

    1. It's going to be awesome! I bet Daisy Jones will be awesome on audio. :)

  5. I liked Pride. It was set not too far from where I grew up, so it was fun to be near my old neighborhood, but I liked the story too. Lots of family and community. Hope you enjoy it

    1. It's always cool to see a book set near your home. :)

  6. Shorefall looks awesome- I keep seeing that one pop up. And I need to read more Taylor Jenkins- Reid for sure.

    1. I have a feeling you'd love to read the Founders series, Greg. :)

  7. Shorefall made my list too! I hope you love Daisy Jones! It is super heart-wrenching but so good.
    My TTT!

  8. IT is a chunky boi of a book, I hope you have time to read it along with the other books on your list.
    My TTT:Marie @ Pages to Explore

    1. I hope so, Marie! One of these days I'll get there. :)

  9. Wow, great TBR! I have seen the PopSugar Challenge around, and it sounds like fun. Pride looks like a good one, as does Deal With the Devil. And I MUST read Malala! Hope you enjoy these!

  10. Such a great list. I loved Daisy Jones when I read it last year. I am Malala is an excellent read too.


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