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Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Signs You’re a Book Lover

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Ten Signs You’re a Book Lover.  Without further ado, here we go:

You always make sure you have at least one book on your person - print, ebook, or audiobook.

You have a back up book with you just in case.

You always compare the adaptation with the book.

You have multiple library cards and have put them all to good use.

The only kind of shopping you like to do is shopping for new (to you) books.

You've been dragged away from a book store by friends.

Local librarians and book sellers know you by name.

There's at least one book in every room of your house.

You wish you could visit the worlds of some of your favorite books and/ or meet some of your favorite characters.

You don't understand it when people say they don't like to read.

By my list, do you qualify as a book lover?  What's on your list?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. That's one reason I started to love eBooks more. I always have a book with me on my phone.
    MY TTT: Marie @ Pages to Explore

  2. Haha so true. People have been known to wince when I go into a bookstore since I may never come out. :)

  3. Yes, I have been dragged away from a bookstore. LOL.

    My TTT .

  4. I have definitely been forcibly removed from a bookstore by friends who did not actually think "several hours" is a reasonable amount of time to explore a store

  5. Right before the coronavirus epidemic closed our libraries and hustled over and checked out nine books. I love my public library. What a bargain. Books for free! I am a book lover

  6. I have no words, when people tell me reading is boring. That's how I feel about sitting and staring at the TV.

    1. I still like a good tv series or movie, but I definitely prefer reading. :)

  7. At my old library, the librarians definitely knew me by name!

  8. I think there are books in every room in my house except the kitchen and the bathrooms. I'm sure the mail carrier knows I love books... they're always delivering stuff from Amazon and the big five book publishers!

  9. Ha ha. Yep, I qualify :) Also, I love Arthur. It's the only show that my kids used to watch that didn't drive me absolutely bonkers. Also, I know all the words to that library card song!

    Happy TTT!

    1. I have the Arthur Library Card song on my Ipod :P and we did a version of it for a Library Talent Show and printed our library cards to a3 size.

  10. Lauren, I think you are definitely a book lover from your list. We have the sign at no.1. I also wish I could visit the worlds of my favorite books.

  11. "You don't understand it when people say they don't like to read." AGREED! Reading is so much fun. Here is my list!

  12. I would do anything to visit some of the worlds in my favorite books. Gosh, this is so relatable.

    My TTT

  13. This is a fantastic list, and so relatable. xD I always journey with one physical book and my Kindle ... so that I always have several hundred books at my fingertips. And if that fails, I suppose there's always my phone LOL. So much yes to visiting these worlds, too! Who the heck wouldn't want to do that?!


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